Samy Massoud

APIsList - The updated list of the public APIs


The APIsList is the directory for all the public APIs compiled from different open sources and enhanced its data with the APIsList parsing engine.
This product allows you to discover the different APIs, starting from the most fun to the most productive ones.

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Samy Massoud
I always had this problem searching for API to offload one or more tasks instead of building the whole thing myself, so I thought of building this product to fill this gap and make the discovery process easier. This is the first version, with many other features to come. Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions.
Samy Massoud
@ria_raul2 Thank you
Ivan Semkin
I've been teaching programming in my spare time for a few years, and I always found it tedious to search for useful APIs to use in my homework assignments. I never liked the idea of using simple useless APIs made entirely for educational purposes, as I prefer a real life crash course approach in my teaching. This website features a neat curated list of useful APIs, which serves as a starting point for me when preparing for next lessons.
Samy Massoud
@ivansemkin Amazing, I hope it will be handy for you.
Nitin Singh
@samy_massoud This is the best thing, great value addition to the community. Thanks for making it & congratulations on launch. I always had to spend time searching for the APIs, but now they are in one place easy to access!
Samy Massoud
@nitinsingh Thank you
Naveed Rehman
fantastic! very much needed? will you continue growing it? congratulations on the launch. following you.
Samy Massoud
@naveed_rehman Thank you, for sure, it is automatically growing and soon the option of adding API to the directory will be available.
flo merian
Launching soon!
> "Soon the option of adding API to the directory will be available." Looking forward to it, @samy_massoud! Also, congrats on the launch :)
Samy Massoud
@fmerian Sure, Thank you
I'm going to try it. Congratulations on the product launch.
Congratulations on your launch.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Samy Massoud
@sewell_stephens Thank you, Yes, the update for submission shall be available within the next two days, please stay tuned.
Samy Massoud
@sewell_stephens It is up now, you can try and let me know.
Marc Lebovitz
Great to have an organized list like this available!
Ashley Porciuncula
Great tool! I love it!
Great product to share with the community!
Harsh Siriah
This is a great contribution to the developer community. I'm sure this will be of great help! Congratulations on the launch!
Vladimir Borodin
It is awesome to have all API's in one place
Samy Massoud
@d0uble Thank you
Suvojit Manna
Incredible ! I never seem to find the right API, would be a cake with this !
Michael Bagley
Excellent reference!