Hi hunters!
We launched Apiway as a completely free integration platform where you can connect different applications for free. We earn from promoting software on our marketplace. Therefore, we can provide a completely free platform, without limits.
We believe that vendors should pay for integration. That’s why we mixed two business models: SaaS and Marketplace. We want to make a “Free Zapier and G2 Crowd Mix”
Use case: the user makes integration between Facebook lead ads and Google Sheets. The interface gives him advice that he needs a CRM. He can choose Hubspot, PipeDrive, or another. Let's assume he chooses PipeDrive and starts using it.
As a result, the user set up the free integration and automated the business process. The vendor received a new client. We earned our interest. Everyone’s happy :)
To date, we have several integrations that you can try.
I would be grateful for your feedback. Don’t hold back. We are waiting for criticism :)
@michael_chepurnyak Thank you for your comment. Zapier is a good service, we used it too, but we decided to go even further. We believe that vendors should pay for integration. Therefore, we provide a completely free solution, without limits. Our most important difference from Zapier is that we can be free, but they can’t.
We earn money from vendors promoting their solutions on our marketplace. On our website, you can find a section with our vision.
Great solution, but you still need to work out the interface. When I visited the site, I liked it, but after registration, I saw a different design. What integrations will you develop in the near future?
Pros - Good idea. It may change the industry of integration platforms and marketplaces for b2b software.
Cons - Little integration and inconvenient interface.
@denis_subbota Thank you for your comment. I completely agree with you. We have already developed a new interface design and it will appear in a few months. We found out a quote by Reid Hoffman “If you aren't embarrassed by the first version of your product, you shipped too late.”
Therefore, we decided not to wait and start with what we have. In the near future, we will launch integrations with PipeDrive, Slack Salesforce, Twilio, and Trello.
And what kind of integrations do you need?
I like what you've started here. Will it be a marketplace of software like G2? Is it possible to place a description of our product on your platform in a certain category?
Got error message while connecting with Google.
"Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app"
Maybe for time being use app-password.
I was skeptical at first.
But after trying 1 integration, I can see the apiway potential.
With Apiway, we can't make complex integrations yet, but I can reduce the amount of my task consumption in other competitor apps.
Once connected, my connection has no problem.
Apiway doesn't have that many integrations yet, but the basic integrations are already there.
For those who are skeptical, just try it first. This is free.
Really interesting concept. Very impressed with the webhooks / sheets & Facebook leads integrations. Very easy to use. With a few more mainstream endpoint integrations such as pipedrive this will blow integromat & zapier out of the water.
APIWAY is well documented & back by a responsive team with a real can-do attitude.
Well worth investing some time to try it out - you wont be disappointed.
Doge Temple
Programming Hub