Brenden Mulligan

Super User Dashboard by LaunchKit - An easy way to see who uses your app the most

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Brenden Mulligan
Hey Product Hunters, We’re back with a new tool from LaunchKit. We’ve previously released a tool to help prep App Store screenshots, launch an app website, and pull app reviews and sales reports from the App Store into your Slack channels. Reception from the developer community has been unbelievable. We have over 25,000 people using LaunchKit to make their mobile development easier. And today we’re releasing the first of a new set of tools to help even more. LaunchKit’s Super User Dashboard is a very simple way of seeing user activity and determining how many of your users absolutely adore your app. To get it set up, you install our open-source, lightweight SDK (I know… another damn SDK). If you have logged in users, you can pass us a unique identifier and basic info. Or not. Our tool works either way. Then, tell us what matters most to your app. Do you want users using it for hours a day? Or a few times a week? What’s a great user to you? You define that in LaunchKit. After you do those two things, we go to work. We’ll track tons of user activity in your app and over the next week or so, tell you exactly who your best users are. Once you have that information, you can use our SDK to target them in your app. As an example, you can set your “will your rate my app?” popup to only show when users have reached Super status. We're still at the beginning of a long journey and we can’t wait to see how people use this. Please ask a million questions below. Our team will be here all day to respond!
Brenden Mulligan
@mulligan Also, please check out the info on the open-source SDK. We tried to build it to be lightweight and transparent:
Kirill Zubovsky
Love what you guys are doing. Did a app website for Receipt Donkey in less than five minutes, with an added benefit of having all those screenshots ready for Apple. Was so easy, so I have no doubt this product is a piece of cake to get going too. Great business move too - with enough adoption you'll have better data on App Store than anyone else besides maybe Apple! Looking forward to see what you do next.
Brenden Mulligan
@kirillzubovsky Kirill -- these types of comments that make it so much fun to do what we do. really glad you're enjoying the tools and please join the beta program to get early access to what's coming next.
Swaroop S
looks good. But another damn SDK as you said :)
Brenden Mulligan
@swarooptvm yeah, we know that's the hardest pill to swallow. So, the only way we know how to deal with that is build a very transparent, lightweight SDK, test it in our own apps for 6 months, and try to provide enough value for people to give it a shot.
Taylor Hughes
@swarooptvm We also wrote a page explaining exactly what the SDK does and how tracking works:
Marco Napoli
I use LaunchKit suite and its worth trying it out. You will not be sorry.
Brenden Mulligan
@jedipixels thanks for the support Marco. Glad to count you as a longtime user.
Chris Vasselli
I haven’t had a chance to install the SDK and try it out yet, but I’m totally into the idea of this. A simple, focused analytics tool for engaging with the power users of your app. Great idea. This is an aspect of my userbase I don’t understand well, even though I already use Flurry and Fabric’s Answers. I don’t ask for names/emails of users (and don’t want to), but I could also imagine using this to generate popups targeting those specific users, asking them to give feedback, or asking if they want to test a new feature. Nice job LaunchKit!
Brenden Mulligan
@chrisvasselli thanks for the thoughts Chris! Indeed it does work even if you dont have signed in users. let us know how the installation goes!
@chrisvasselli One of the hardest things in launching a product is knowing whether or not your messaging is clear. Just you clearly understanding that it's simple, focused tool is really validating to us!
one super user is worth a hundred ok users. This tool makes it a breeze to identify them. The other day, I met @rohanseth from @dayfieapp. He loved this as well. Cheers to the @LaunchKit team and their expanding suite of tools that makes makers' lives easier.
Brenden Mulligan
@alexyoungkwon thanks Alex. Totally agree!
This is great stuff! Is it iOS only or does it work for Android apps too?
Taylor Hughes
@jstrauss iOS only for now, Android is on the todo list.
Ryan Mickle
This is awesome and I wish we had it when we were working on FOBO. We did a ton of this manually and it paid off hugely.
Brenden Mulligan
@ryanm well, use it for your inevitable next app :)
Paul Gosnell
Nice! Another useful tool from LaunchKit. Yet to try on an app and will be rolling out in our next sprint. Docs and installation guide look good. I'm guessing once the SDK's installed, you can easily bake in more useful features?
Brenden Mulligan
@paulgosnell thank you! we've got a lot on the roadmap to add :)
@paulgosnell Glad you liked the docs and installation guide! Please please let us know how your next sprint goes with using Super Users!
Abram Dawson
Saw an early version of this a few months ago and have been eagerly awaiting this day...excited to use this! We don't force account creation/sign up, so this will help us engage anonymous power users.
Brenden Mulligan
@abramdawson *data required for every pitch*
Michael Schneider
This looks awesome. Going to integrate it for Service!
Brenden Mulligan
@schneider sweet. send feedback when you do!
Bryan Knauber
Another +1 to your SDK documentation. I feel like even I could get this going. 👍
Brenden Mulligan
@blk i believe in you.
Krzysiek Wolski
This product sounds great. Do you plan SDK for Unity?
Brenden Mulligan
@krisix Hey there - we have gotten a bunch of requests to expand the SDK to other platforms, and we're definitely moving in that direction. Just need to put a roadmap together of what we'll start with. Thanks for the Unity vote!
Austin Cooley
Integration was a breeze, looking forward to our first major update with Super Users installed! Really appreciate the transparency here
Brenden Mulligan
@adcooley so awesome to hear. @taylorhughes and @rizzledizzle put a lot of time into making the sdk as open and understandable as possible.
Mulch Cam
Thanks for the super useful and elegant tool. We started implementing it in our Mulch Cam App, to optimize Mulch Cam and offer customizations per user categories –– something we did not think we could do so easily.
Brenden Mulligan
@mulchcam awesome. glad you're liking it so far. please continue to send feedback!
Martin Ahe
We love LaunchKit - its set up so we get fresh numbers every morning in our Slack! Good job team!
Brenden Mulligan
@martinahe thanks Martin. Hope you find this one useful too!
Ilyas Hassani
Hope you guys made it easy for developers to find Investors or buyers for their popular apps :) better then Fliptopia
Brenden Mulligan
@ilyashassani definitely would be an interesting thing to explore. Exitround for apps. :)
Ross Rojek
Hey @mulligan and team, nice to see this and have to add it to one app or another coming up. I really like that you guys keep coming up with new things I didn't know I needed or that I'd thought of but didn't have enough bandwidth to work on.
Brenden Mulligan
@sacbookreviewer haha .. well thanks Ross. We've always appreciated your support and enthusiasm for trying our tools. Thanks for the feedback! Keep it coming!
Austin Marshall
I'm a big fan of the Launchkit screenshot and website tools, they're simple and amazingly useful. This appears to follow in those features' footsteps. I would love to see optional custom events in addition to the great "starter kit" of key metrics, as a true Super User for us would be heavily dependent on their frequency of sharing. I'm sure it's already on your roadmap but that's my feedback. Keep up the great work! :)
Brenden Mulligan
@austincmarshall indeed it is. Thanks for the feedback and feature request!
Brett Madill
This looks really cool! Dead simple way to identify your most active users. Excited to give it a go :)