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Chris Messina

AppAdvice Daily — AppsGoneFree returns with a new name and look


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Mahmoud Hafez
Hi. I am one of the developers of this app. We are really excited about the new version because a main feature of the new app is we have a team of actual iPhone and app experts answer your app / device questions. You just pop in and ask a question that you would like to know the answer to, or even ask for advice on how to do something efficiently using apps. We will post thorough and detailed answers including videos every day to the questions we get! Would love any and all feedback. Thanks for hunting us!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I'm a long time user of AppsGoneFree — one of the oldest and longest running sources of free or recently-discounted iOS apps out there. It hadn't been updated in FOR-EV-ERRRR (literally, since December 2013!), yet the app recommendations kept coming. I'm glad to see the app revived with a shiny new coat of paint — but I do hope they don't fuck it up by spinning into just another distribution channel for non-free "app advice" (read: native advertising). The purpose of AppsGoneFree was to provide developers a way to discount their products to find new customers, generate reviews, and then increase their visibility to paying customers. It was a model that, from what I could tell, worked pretty well. Here's hoping they improve on, rather than undermine, it.
Mahmoud Hafez
@chrismessina we promise to never mess up this app. It's a labor of love and more important than making a few dollars. Tons of new features too. Let me know how we did. Thanks for hunting us too, what an honor.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@mhafez good to hear, thanks! And, I only struck a sour note because I've seen that movie so many times, only to have the product die out over time because the new owners didn't get what made the previous version so clear and compelling (i.e. MySpace, Digg, Delicious, etc). Glad to hear you're intending to maintain the spirit of the original!
Dinakar Tumu
what is the game name used in app intro?
Irshad PC
New ui seems to be nice .
Tom Charde
Longtime user; haven't updated yet. Couple questions: 1) Trying to understand this new architecture... Is the "Find" section essentially the content that the app has always had, and the "Learn" / "Stay" / "Enjoy" sections are all new? 2) The visual hierarchy of the second screen is confusing. 7 different background colors on one screen, plus a photo? What do all the different colors (yellow, pink, etc) indicate? Is it the "Stay" section"? (And if so, why is there also a listing of "apps that went free" on it?) 3) Why does the content in the blue header vary from screen to screen? (Some are blank, some have app name, some have article title, etc.)