Kevin William David

AppLandr 2.0 - Create beautiful landing pages for your mobile apps in secs


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Ben Tossell
I like things that help people make a decent looking landing page.... So many apps lack a decent landing page too which baffles me. But flip-side, if (too many) people love using a product to create landing pages then they all become really samey - which then requires the customisation. Otherwise it will end up like "Every Other Fucking Bootstrap Website, Ever" haha - loved that. IDEA: have a few tabs at the top of this landing page where users can flip between different themes you have already.... let users see it in action using your own site
Joey Tawadrous
@bentossell Hi Ben, thank you so much for your feedback. I had the same problem not so long ago, landing pages are essential in building a positive, ever-lasting first impression. So the customizations are indeed really important so that each landing page will have a certain uniqueness about them, and again that is why different themes are also essential. Ben that is a fantastic idea, much appreciated! That's why I love PH so much! That feature has literally moved to the top of my todo list. Thanks mate.
Ben Tossell
@joey_tawadrous haha glad I can help... think it would be really cool
Joey Tawadrous
@bentossell You know I'm in such agreement that I've decided to go ahead an implement that feature with a theme or two over the bank holiday weekend (Ireland)!
AndrΓ© J
Would love to see this as a Jekyll theme.
Joey Tawadrous
@eonpilot Eon I have added that idea to my list. :) It would be great if you could get some more of your friends to agree with you and comment here... would drive that idea up my todo list :)
Joey Tawadrous
@eonpilot Very interesting. Explains the entire idea behind Jeckyll, and has quite a lot of feedback from it's userbase! You make a convincing argument, Eon ;)
AndrΓ© J
@joey_tawadrous The thing is, it takes 30 sec to setup a jekyll website:
But there are no cool themes yet. There is a huge market here. Id gladly pay 100$ for an awesome Jekyll app landing theme in the same style you built here.
Joey Tawadrous
@eonpilot You are absolutely right. Strange as Jekyll has been around a while and has some obvious advantages over Wordpress. You would think that there would be more themes, mind you I've just done a quick Google search but I didn't find very many! Your agreeing so to pay $100 as soon as I do? ;)
AndrΓ© J
@joey_tawadrous You think I'm all talk no action huh? I will pay 100$ if it reached the quality of similar themes that cost 100$ on Wordpress and are popular. I think people are not boarding the jekyll train because they think its so hard to setup. Github doesnt really want the masses yet so they avoid telling people how easy it is to setup and use. but someone relevant and industrious like your self could do it. But to answer your question: Yes.
Shannon Clarke
Good concept but the demo page at is not attractive - too wordy and an uninspiring page layout. I'd like to see a drag-and-drop interface and an analytics backend so AppLandr can be an alternative to using Launchrock
Joey Tawadrous
@sajclarke Hello Shannon, thank you so much for your feedback. I understand what you mean, there are quite a lot of different kinds of minimal designs out there, and with all the different 'design inspiration' submissions on Product Hunt, it has never been easier to find aesthetically pleasing designs & layouts. My number one priority is to add many custom themes to AppLandr. I have already created a mockup for 2 themes and will begin creating them immediately. I hope they will be to your liking. As regards the analytics, that is an absolutely fantastic idea Shannon. Added that to my list. I would love if you explained further what kinds of analytics would suit you in particular? Also the drag and drop interface idea is great too, and while I do have plans for integrating element blocks in landing pages, that is not at the top of my todo list at the moment. Thanks a million for the suggestions, Shannon!
Shannon Clarke
@joey_tawadrous Basic analytics on call-to-action buttons as well as tracking the number of users who visit the page (and maybe sources where they came from) would be a great start. You can also look at the analytics provided by LaunchRock for further inspiration
Joey Tawadrous
@sajclarke Excellent ideas for the analytics. I actually have a launch rock from years ago, I'll be sure to check out what they do for ideas. However most types of analytics that would be useful are fairly obvious! So not much market research there! :) Thanks for the suggestion again Shannon!
Joshua Pinter
@sajclarke I had the exact same impression.
Joey Tawadrous
@joshuapinter @sajclarke Thanks for your feedback! Are there any other features in particular that you would like to see on AppLandr? Any feedback greatly appreciated!
Joshua Pinter
Idea is absolutely spot on but design could do with some work. Add different themes to match the "personality" of different types of app, like games, fun, personal, business, etc. And spend a shit tonne of time getting those designs to look incredible. Making it really fucking good once makes it really fucking good for a lot of people. And then remove some of the style customization options. If they wanted to customize every single thing they'd just use a template and/or build it themselves. People that are using your service clearly don't have the time or skills to do it themselves. Last thing they want to be doing is endlessly adjusting options. They want to put in their iTunes link, set their primary and secondary colors and blamo! they've got a slick landing page ready to go. I'd sign up in a heart beat if you had these three things. And I think a lot of others would too. Again, great idea tho. Really great.
Joey Tawadrous
@joshuapinter Hello Joshua, thank you so much for your feedback. You really hit the nail on the head, definitely one the best feedback comments so far! You idea for theme 'personalities' is absolutely brilliant, I'm on it :) "Making it really fucking good once makes it really fucking good for a lot of people. " - I really love this. And I will push the boundaries on my design abilities on the next few landing page themes I release. Thanks a million for that Josh, really appreciate it bro.
Joshua Pinter
@joey_tawadrous Anytime man! Glad you took that in a constructive way. Could go either way. :) Just subscribed so I can keep tabs on your updates. Can't wait to use it.
Joey Tawadrous
@joshuapinter I could never knock such useful feedback! You've done nothing but give me another massive boost in motivation! :)
Pame ValdΓ©s
@joey_tawadrous Im trying to use your app, but it won't let me customize the front screen screenshot. Been trying to do it for like 20 min.... Thought it was supposed to be easy :/
Joey Tawadrous
Thanks Kevin for the post! Hello Product Hunters, I’m Joey Tawadrous, the Founder of AppLandr & I’m extremely excited to (re)launch AppLandr. AppLandr allows app developers to effortlessly create beautiful landing pages for all of their mobile apps with the click of a button. Once created, there are numerous customisations that can be made for each landing page through a slide out settings panel. You can customize titles, colours & backgrounds, add your own CSS and JavaScript, set up custom domains, add your social network links and much much more. Simply provide an app store URL, and explore the magic. Through AppLandr you may create unlimited landing pages through your iOS/Android Store Url, and also use your own domain, allowing your own landing page to be created with zero AppLandr branding. If you want to see more features or have any questions, I’d really appreciate your feedback! Thanks for checking AppLandr out! PS: All Product Hunters can get a 30 day free trial, just send a message via the β€˜Contact us’ box on AppLandr or tweet @joeytawadrous!
Aric Boyles
@joey_tawadrous @joeytawadrous Hey Joey, cool tool thanks! Just heads up there are a few errors when I was testing: Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/applandr/public_html/utils/Modals.php on line 356 Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/applandr/public_html/utils/Modals.php on line 374
Joey Tawadrous
@aric_boyles @joeytawadrous Hello Aric, yes just reinstalled my server and didn't get around to updating my server warning settings! Thanks for the head up bud. Please check back in about 30 minutes, it will be gone.
Swaroop S
No feature to add any custom text or menu ?
Joey Tawadrous
@swarooptvm At the moment you can edit the text for each menu item, and the text for each sections title and sub title. So you can add custom text. If you would like a custom menu, in terms of design, you can add your own CSS in your landing pages settings. Does that solve your problem? More themes will also be added quite soon, which will offer entirely new designs :)
Swaroop S
@joey_tawadrous No. It is not . Suppose I need to add a section 'About Us' in the website . Can I do it ?
Joey Tawadrous
@swarooptvm Ahh I see! No you cannot. However your feedback can be combined with that of a few others, i.e. I will make some new themes with customisable 'About Us' sections in them :) Could you tell me exactly what you would like to go into an 'About Us' section?
Swaroop S
@joey_tawadrous It should be completely custom text added by user . How a website can be complete only with app store data ?
Joe Anderson
Hey Joey! Great job on the relaunch, this idea has always been something that people could definitely use. I know it's still early so it's hard to build out a ton of features. I think youre biggest hurdles to adoption will be 2 big things. 1. The design really needs a lot of work, it needs to be so good that I shouldn't even think about coding up my own page. Just by looking at the AppLandr page you can see different issues w/ the design like with the whitespace, icon choice, layout (its way too wide w/ just reading text), and consistency (the search box input field is 42px yet the button 46px). If you extrapolate that to the theming I don't think the designs will be crisp enough in the early term. This starts to hurt you because more serious apps won't use the product, and then you can't use the social proof there to get even more. 2. It needs to really solve the needs of a mobile page. For example using a linktexter type solution to texting me a link while im on desktop. No one wants to build that over and over. It really comes down to the audience you're trying to attract. If this is more for agencies you could be fairly close. If it's for more serious mobile apps, then I think you have to go even further to where it doesn't make sense to have your engineering team spend time on the site. For example, most mobile companies dont have the time to A/B test their pages a lot since they're so focused on the mobile experience. Gl!
Joey Tawadrous
@anderson760 Hi Joe, first of all thank you so so much for all the great feedback, I really appreciate it. 1. I feel that the design needs more work myself, and I have scheduled quite a lot in the coming weeks to work on it. First things first, I will update the design of the existing landing pages, for both iOS & Android. Then I will begin creating more themes, while making them as crisp and aesthetic as I possibly can. 2. I love this idea, and I was actually in an email convo with @datarade the other day about incorporating LinkTexting into AppLandr, to solve the problem you described! Thanks for the words of encouragement. My goal is to keep making AppLandr better and better, based on user feedback. I will strive to make it a product that agencies, individuals and bigger companies enjoy using as it saves them time. If you have any more feedback Joe, please let me know :)
Simon Archer
I like these products/services because it definitely cuts out a lot of hassle of creating a simple one-pager for a proof-of-concept type application. Just one suggestion, if I may... Personally while I dont expect the product/service to be free, I do feel like a $10 monthly subscription for a landing page can be a little off-putting and a bit of a commitment for some, especially if it's just promoting an 'idea' of an eventual product. But I would be happy to throw down $5, even if it meant I lost out on some of the PRO benefits like 24/7 support, 'limited designs', unlimited websites, etc. It feels like something like this would work great with a tiered pricing structure rather than all or nothing. Otherwise I like the design of it, and I look forward to see how you implement all the other great suggestions provided. :)
Joey Tawadrous
@simon_archer Hello Simon. Thank you so much for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated! I have taken what you said into great consideration, and I may just release a tiered pricing strategy as a result. Something where you could pay $5 for one website and theme, $10 for x & $20 for x. How does that sound?
Simon Archer
@joey_tawadrous Hey Joey, thanks for replying and your consideration of it. :) I recently thought of using a service like this, and came across another similar product a while ago which I considered using at, I think, a similar price point of $10. I then decided I could just save that $10 a month and quickly hack one together myself. Sure, its by no means of the same quality, but it got the job done. And since a few us here are 'tech savvy', bootstrapping a landing page is a cheap and viable solution. With all that said, however, it there was a lower price point which gave me the basic things I needed, I would quite happily just suck it up. :) So I definitely think theres a demand for what you're doing, and I believe it would never seem a terrible idea to give potential customers various starting points to dip their toes into your services. Good luck! And definitely keeping an eye on your progression. :)
Joey Tawadrous
@simon_archer Thanks again for the reply Simon. Your kind words mean a lot, and are very important for the logistics of AppLandr. I really appreciate it. Your suggestion makes perfect sense. I will definitely be implementing it in the coming weeks :) Please do keep an eye out, perhaps join the mailing list ;)
Would be great to get more value up-front before being forced to create an account and sign in. I think you'll see way higher conversion/retention numbers if you defer sign-up until after a basic preview of the landing page for an app has been generated.
Joey Tawadrous
@imaznation I will most definitely keep that in mind with newer versions of the product! Thanks for your feedback.
Claude Sutterlin
Looks great. Would like to see ο£ΏTV support! I'm struggling to find a good landing page for ο£ΏTV apps.
Joey Tawadrous
@claudesutterlin Absolutely fantastic idea Claude! I will add Apple TV Support very very soon and tweet you then :) Any other ideas for useful features?
Joey Tawadrous
@dopesavant @bentossell I'm guessing your in agreement about tabs / more themes! I'm on it :D
Roman Temkin
This product is extremely useful!
Joey Tawadrous
@roman_temkin Thanks for the feedback Roman!! Are there any features you would like to see implemented?
Kumar Thangudu
Well done Joey! Apps should be using this tool. It adheres to a lot of the good standards of a mobile app landing page.
Joey Tawadrous
@datarade Thanks Kumar! was an inspiration for a lot of design decisions. Who knows, maybe AppLandr can integrate with LinkTexting in the near future ;)
Matthew TW Huang
Really like what AppLandr has to offer but I would also like to see analytics built in as well. Also, the demo page has blank space at the bottom and the "Menu" icon disappears when the background is white.
Joey Tawadrous
@matthewtwhuang Hello Matthew, thank you for the feedback :) Built in analytics is near the top of the list of priorities for the next version. Also the extra space on the demo page has been removed.
Hugh Durkin
@joey_tawadrous congrats on a solid product πŸš€ Great to see more innovation coming out of Co. CorkπŸ˜€ LMK if you're ever thinking of building an integration with Intercom! Would love to help πŸ€–
Joey Tawadrous
@hughbeme Thanks a million for the feedback Hugh :) I may just be looking to integrate with Intercom, from what I can see, it's seems quite easy to get up and running! I'll let you know if I run into any issues!
Stefan K
It is game changer. Hope you guys will add theme(font) support. Well done!πŸ‘
Joey Tawadrous
@bkim9324 Thanks for the feedback! Theme support is at the top of the todo list. I have also added font support to the list now!
Emily Dong
Couple ideas: 1. Would be great if this pulled in reviews from both app stores under a testimonial section 2. Text me the download link function on the top Could both be premium features IMO
Joey Tawadrous
@emiidee Great ideas Emily! I will definitely be adding in a link to download the app - ie. send the download link. Thank you for that! :)
Joey Tawadrous
@levelsio @rrhoover Ok I know this is a long shot, but Pieter & Ryan, I would absolutely love your feedback. I follow you work Pieter & I love your tweets. Your an inspiration man - its like how you make it clear that you tried so hard for ages but got nowhere with your products, but you didn't give up and eventually you started to make serious progress with your products. Ryan of course, you have seen thousands upon thousands of products at this stage, good and bad, no doubt you have a keen eye for what works and what doesn't!
The Red Panda Can
Why do nearly all sites like this use Lobster… πŸ˜‘
James Smith
I would highly discourage using this site. The maker Joey has been spamming my org + emails addresses from a large Slack team that I administer. Not cool at all