Derek K

Onetap Time Tracking App - Manage your time and lifestyle with one tap


Track your time spending pattern, build a healthier lifestyle, and boost your productivity.
OneTap to do them all.

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Derek K
Hi all , thanks for checking out our app! OneTap is here for everyone who’s looking for a simple solution to keep track of their time and to be more productive. We believe that time tracking is a fulfilling process, not a suffering. Therefore, we have made time tracking in the most simplest and easiest way possible. Start / stop tracking, and switch between other activities with just one tap. It’s just that simple.
Ali Rajool
@derek_k Hi I have already had the experience of using such a service with clockify. But this product has amazingly used the power of the image. I'm very eager to work with it. But unfortunately I didn't find a web version on the site. Looking forward to the web version :)
Kelly Cashin
This is an interesting idea and your interface looks nice! It doesn't seem to track in the background, however? Maybe I'm not using it right, but every time I navigated from the app, the timer stopped.
Derek K
@kelly_cashin Thanks for trying out the app. Did you mean that your timer stopped ticking (but it was still there) while in the background, and when you went back to the app, it continued from where it last stopped? I hope I understand this issue correctly.
Kelly Cashin
@derek_k When I left the timer, it had stopped. I navigated away from the timer in the app before I closed out the app, if this helps! I would have expected the timer to continue unless I started a new one or stopped it myself.
Derek K
@kelly_cashin Thanks for your feedback. We tested on several devices and they seemed to work fine, but we'll look into this issue.
Elis Moer
Can this tool help to track the parcels which I ordered online? I want to integrate the option with JRS tracking program.