We had the pleasure of working with the Planet of the Apps team on their announcement of the series. At the time I didn't have any insight into how it would be distributed but it's becoming more clear. 😀
This was the missing piece of the AppleTV experience. Now you won't have to dig around in and out of apps, tracking down where you were on that show... "was it on Hulu? or Netflix? Oh, HBO?"
It seems like many don't see the significance of this, but it's going to make this a million times better.
Missing too many services to be relevant. Fail to see the difference between what they put out and integrating Cable/Dish sign on into settings and making Siri smarter. Why do we need a separate app? Apple really missed the chance to something special here.
@luqven Regarding the missing services, keep in mind this is just what it has now. It won't be out until December, so Netflix, AMC, USA, FX, etc could be there by then.
It's an Appalish version of Android TV within an app. Good to see some hints of their new design language here and there. Wonder when this app will actually be your Apple TV's home screen.
I understand the purpose this app serves on iPhone and iPad, but why is this its own app on Apple TV? Isn't this essentially what the home screen should be?
Can it also search youtube? I can see this app eventually moving in on youtubes territory if an official apple platform for user submitted content was created.
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