Chris Messina

Nate Parrott, Arc's designer, has left for Anthropic


Is this the end of Browser Company of New York?

personal news: i joined anthropic last week to work on making claude ~the most useful little helper who lives in your computer~

plz say hi if you're here! i'll be in the nyc office

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steve beyatte

Yes. It's almost like $50M for a browser without a business model was a bad idea.

Rajiv Ayyangar

@steveb Lots of startup ideas look bad in hindsight, but I'm still pulling for them. If they succeed in making a better browser that gets traction, though that's a big "if", browsers are so fundamental to how we operate on the internet - it's a potentially huge impact

steve beyatte

@rajiv_ayyangar I'm with you that it'd be awfully nice if it worked out. What truly sucks is that Chrome's business model is to sell your data which effectively prices out anyone from building a browser that does not sell your data.

Rajiv Ayyangar

Interesting. I've been wondering what Arc's next play is going to be. It's so rare to create a product as beloved as Arc. I imagine we'll see anybody who leaves going on to do great things. But also, with a team that talented, we could see exciting next play!

Gabe Moronta

I hope not, love both the mobile app and Mac app.