Weiting Liu

Remote Work FAQs - Curated answers from WFH experts


Questions about remote work? We’ve curated knowledge from the remote community to give you actionable answers to use right now. Content is sourced from key thought leaders, Arc's 12,000+ remote developers, trending Twitter threads, and top-cited articles.

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Weiting Liu
Hello everyone! Many people are suddenly working from home for the very first time. We want to help you cut through the noise by curating the best remote work knowledge on the internet. These FAQs are designed to answer the most urgent problems you might be facing. There are tons of guides popping up out there. But instead of making you dig through a bunch of links and articles for answers, we're hoping that this FAQ format helps you find exactly what you need. These are answers and resources you can use immediately to smooth this transition. The FAQs also reflect our own experience at Arc, a team that spans 4 continents and 8 timezones. We started off co-located a few years back, and since then, we've transitioned to a remote-first team learning a lot about what to do (and not to do) throughout the process. We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. We will continually add to this resource, so if you still have remote work questions, please let us know or submit them directly on the webpage!
Christine Orchard
In unprecedented times like right now, we're all looking for answers. I hope this resource is useful for anyone who has questions about working from home but doesn't know where to look. At Arc, we've been fortunate enough to work remotely for a while (learning A LOT as we transitioned). This project is a chance to share our experience, as well as knowledge from the remote work community, and curate the very best answers to commonly asked questions. I welcome you to reach out to our team on Twitter @arcdotdev with any feedback, additional questions, or suggested resources.
Ting Chang
Wow, love this idea! Super helpful to for people who are transitioning from working at the office to remotely at home