Weiting Liu

The Hike - A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Zoom game for remote teams


Looking for some virtual Halloween fun? Download these free slides and instructions for "The Hike" to play on your next group video call. Use software like Zoom and Slack (or similar), then try to "survive" this slightly evil pick-a-path adventure as a team!

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Aaron O'Leary
@ejsnowdon could be something fun towards the end of the year!
Anna Turnbull
@ejsnowdon @aaronoleary Thanks for checking it out β€” hope you enjoy!
Weiting Liu
If you're working remotely, it's sometimes hard to connect with your whole team. Our team knows firsthand that bonding over your screen and across timezones can be a challenge. So we wanted to try building a game that we could play with our entire 35-person team using only basic tools like Zoom, Slack, and Google Slides. And that's how The Hike was born, and our team loved it. So now, we decided to make this game freely available for distributed teams everywhere who might be looking for more ways to connect remotely. While we're certainly not professional game creators (we actually connect companies with world-class remote developers), we do hope you'll find this game fun and useful. Let us know what you think!
Tanya Volkova
that's awesome, will check it out with the team :) thanks for making it free.
Anna Turnbull
@tanya_volkova You're welcome β€” hope you all "survive" the game!
Anna Turnbull
It all started with a virtual campfire event for the Arc team. We sent mini s'more-making kits to everyone in the team, had ghost stories planned, and our campfire backgrounds were on lock... but we had yet to find the right game to play together online. We needed a game that: - Could be played remotely without special software (just everyday video call and messaging apps like Zoom and Slack) - Had deeper discussion potential than icebreaker questions, yet cheaper than some of the $$/person full experience game options - Allowed multiple teams to make decisions independently - Included both cross-team and full-company interaction to ensure multiple points of connection were made - Could handle lots of players at the same time - Had plenty of banter potential 😏 The result? The Hike. We built this (admittedly slightly evil) pick-your-path adventure game for our own use, and our post-game survey told us that people loved it even more than expected. In fact, 85% of our team also reported major increases in getting to know their colleagues in other teams as a result of playing together. With Halloween approaching, we thought: why not make it available for everyone else to play? (We suggest BYO candy and costumes.) Good luck... and try to survive. We look forward to your feedback and seeing your game screenshots!
Christian Pezzin
Hi @weitingliu , quick question: how long is the session supposed to last? I wanted to try it out this week and just needed to plan the time accordingly. Thanks.
Christian Pezzin
@weitingliu I found the answer in the downloadable material, which is between 60 and 90 mins. :)
Anna Turnbull
@weitingliu @pezzin Hi Christian, glad you found the answer OK! The game time will vary depending on how much time the Game Host allocates to the team(s) to make decisions. For a faster game, we recommend that the Game Host has a stopwatch to keep things on track β€” but we'll let you decide if you want more debating (and banter!) Thanks for checking out the game!
I had no idea what to expect when I heard that our team was going to go camping virtually. At first, we toasted marshmallows over tealight candles and listened to a few ghost stories over our Zoom call. Then, we started playing The Hike. It brought back memories of the Choose Your Own Adventure books I loved as a kid. But then, The Hike got a bit crazier as we had to make decisions at each part of the journey to make it to the end alive. If you're up for an adventure that you can easily play with a big team, then definitely check this out!
Anna Turnbull
@xtineo7 Bet you never made some of those decisions as a kid! πŸ˜† Glad you had fun!
Sara Orgaz
This looks awesome! My team is just of 8 people... maybe can we play it? In a whole team of 7? (1 of us must be the host) Pleeeeease, say yes!
Anna Turnbull
@sara_orgaz You're in luck β€” yes you can! You'll just need to create some "virtual characters" to fill the rest of the team, and make decisions on their behalf. (For a better playing experience, I suggest splitting into two teams of 3-4 players + 6-7 virtual characters per team.)
Firgrove Forbes
Absolutely love Choose your own adventure books. This is such a brilliant idea. Dismal all team meeting today makes me realise why we need this
Anna Turnbull
@firgrove_forbes Video call bonding is definitely a challenge at the best of times for everyone, and especially difficult in 2020. Thanks for checking it out!
Sebastian Hofer
Thank you guys - I love zoom games! Looks ace!
Anna Turnbull
@sebastian_hofer Thanks for checking out our game β€” appreciate it!
Pauline Luong
This was really fun! Thanks for making and sharing this for the world! I died at the beginning but still hilarious to follow along. The graphics were great. My partner cued up a spooky soundboard to play in the background while he narrated. That could be linked or suggested as a setup option. Our group is hoping you'll make another one like this! Loved it!
Anna Turnbull
@pauline_luong Glad to hear you had a great time playing πŸ™Œ The spooky soundboard sounds like a perfect addition β€” thanks for the suggestion!
Debbie Chew
Super excited that this has finally launched so that other teams can play! Tip: This game goes great with DIY s’mores 🀀
Anna Turnbull
@justdebbb S'mores are are an anytime snack for cross-timezone meetings, right? πŸ™Œ
Jan Valuch
Love it :D Can wait to take my teammates on a trip!
Anna Turnbull
@jan_valuch Good luck and pack your "hiking pack" carefully! πŸ˜‚
Elizabeth Griffiths
Looking forward to trying this with my team!
Anna Turnbull
@wellcomeelizabeth Good luck for your "hike". Thanks for checking out the game!
I love this idea, I have a couple questions: I'm wondering if there are other options besides Slack, would Zoom Breakout Rooms work? Or Discord? Or Microsoft Teams? Aiming for less grumbling about yet another app to learn. :) Would this be a good fit for middle school students or only adults?
Anna Turnbull
@k_m7 Hi Kirstin, sorry for the delayed response β€” only just spotted this! The game is software agnostic. All you need is: 1) Software that does a videocall + screenshare AND 2) Software that can do a separate group chat for every team playing (this could be written or voice) The players need to be able to access both pieces of software at the same time (so we suggest playing with e.g. laptop plus phone). As long as you can fulfill those requirements, you should be good to go with any software you already have! Re age appropriateness, the game does have some supernatural/fantasy/horror themes. It was originally designed for adults to play because we designed it for our own team at work! I suggest that you download the game and read through the story slides to get a sense of whether or not you think it would be a good fit.
Natalie Rose
I played this with my Grade 6/7 class and they absolutely loved it! We divided it up over two 40 minute periods and it worked out perfectly! What a great virtual experience to end the year!
Anna Turnbull
@natalie_rose1 That's so great to hear! Thanks for letting us know πŸ™Œ