Showcase your products with interactive demos that can be embedded inside websites, blog posts, or tweets. ⠀ Arcades are super easy to create, embed, and maintain!
Congrats on the launch! This is really cool! I just tried it out and within a minute or so I was able to record a pretty nice looking demo. Definitely better looking than the Looms I records, and it guides people through the steps quite nicely…
@helloitsolly We would need to have more data to confidently say that across our customer base (for a true stat here, it would mean tracking the same users from an Arcade to signup, and then A/B test against the same user experience without an Arcade for the same features for the most robust claim on improvement in adoption). That would require experiment design and data investments. So far, we've been focused on product usability to date.
But we've heard from customers a significant boost when they use them for change-logs for new features, as compared to previous updates!
Thanks for this question, it's a great one - is there something you are looking to improve?
@caroline_clark Actually I run and am always advising founders to remove static screen-grabs and replace them with product demos to show not tell.
As well as that recent research from unbounce seems to suggest that videos on landing pages can actually decrease conversion (and they're expensive to make and edit).
What you're creating seems like a really powerful way to
1. Increase landing page conversion (visitors -> sign ups)
2. Increase activation (sign ups -> activated users)
3. Increase feature adoption (better changelog consumption)
There's some feedback I have on your landing page, which includes:
1. Don't have a white CTA on a white background - you want contrast
2. > 80% of SaaS landing pages have social proof in the Hero (logos / testimonials)
3. Why have a 'get started button' link to a page with a Google sign up, instead of just embedding Google sign up into the landing page?
4. I thought your headline was intriguing and encouraged me to move on, but I struggled with your subheading clarity
5. There are some phrases across the page that need tidying up / clarifying. Example
"learn what your customers want - and why." < how does the product do this, it feels abstract
"2x engagement for a marketing team" < eh?
"Embed Arcades on your solutions page" < I believe this more commonly known as a features page?
You refer to 'interactive product demos' 'interactive snippets of your product' 'interactive experiences' 'stitch together videos and tooltips' < I believe the inconsistency could create confusion
6. You might want to address the doubt around time to publish further up. It's one of the most common doubts when using a new tool. Tick boxes under the Hero CTA could state "create your first Arcade in 15 mins"
7. I found your own demo confusing because it lived both as a demo of the setup, AND used your tool itself as part of it. It felt too meta.
8. Consider adding address, email, phone number to footer as 'trust signals'
9. I feel like you could build the pain more before introducing the product. What specific 'jobs to be done' does your product solve. Consider using emotional 'before arcade' language to drive people to convert
10. You should support use cases with testimonials, outcomes, or benefits language.
Anyway it's a great product and if you launch an affiliate scheme please let me know. I will have a play within the product now.
The team at Arcade is incredible!
At Maze, we've used interactive demos on our landing pages for years as a way to show every part of our product to potential users. This removes a ton of friction - especially for more technical products - as users don't need to read 6 features pages to understand what they'll get post-signup.
Show, don't tell: if you're building any kind of product, you need to start using Arcade!
@widawskij Thank you! Your homepage demo was an early inspiration for us, and we aspire to have the same design standards and have a way for any company build what your team has!
I stumbled on an Arcade embed when checking a website and found it so awesome that I checked the source code to see what was powering it. I've then had the chance to try out Arcade while in beta and it is very intuitive. It took me only seconds to record my first Arcade and publish it!
We are using Arcade at Upflow and we love it! We can build and ship our Arcades in minutes, with zero engineering cost! Congrats @caroline_clark and the team ;)
Congrats on the launch! I remember us launching similar experiments on the growth team at Atlassian which greatly improved our conversion to trial rate.
@patrickt010 Thanks! Yes, I remember those too. I'm not sure how it was done when you did them, but I was told the average amount of time to create any of these was ~1month from custom design resources