Aaron O'Leary

Arcane Docs - Blockchain-based alternative to Google Docs

Arcane Docs is a full-featured private online document editor. You can create documents or import from Google Docs and Microsoft Word. All save and secure on blockchain-based cloud storage.
10GB free storage for all the friends from Product Hunt 😸✌️

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Hi everyone ✌️, Walterion is here, and I'm excited to introduce you to Arcane Docs ✨, a secure and GDPR compliant alternative for Google Docs and Microsoft Word. As we keep hearing about data breach news of big companies like Dropbox or WhatsApp, it is harder for us to keep trusting them with our file and personal data, and it made us think about finding a better way. We believe the best way to keep data secure is not having them in the first place. That's why we choose the server-less solution, in another word, blockchain. The most challenging part for us was designing a blockchain app that doesn't look like a blockchain app! We wanted to make the transition from centralized to decentralized solutions as smoothly as possible. That is where Blockstack comes in to help us with a secure and decentralized authentication service, working on Bitcoin blockchain. Arcane Docs is a full-featured online document editor. You can create documents or import from Google Docs and Microsoft Word. All save and secure on blockchain-based cloud storage with high industry standard encryptions. You can also create a share link and start collaborating in private too. It is Free and available for use in any modern browser right now. I can't wait to hear what you think. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions. P.S. Don't miss out the first part of Arcane Office. The secure and private spreadsheet, Arcane Sheets. Check it out: https://www.producthunt.com/post... P.S.S. And here is the secure and easy to use, redact & annotate for images + with builtin encrypted sharing. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Donglu Ch'iu
@walterion1 What exactly does blockchain add here? And especially Bitcoin, with its high fees...
@hi_im_donglu Thanks Donglu for the excellent question. We use Blockstack for authentication. It is made on Bitcoin blockchain to store your private key that will be used to encrypt all of your stuff. Making the master key will be done just the first time, and after that, every file gets a new password from the master one. No matter what, all the files will be encrypted, so you always have control over your data β€” something like ProtonMail but for Office.
@owenfar1 Hey Owen and welcome to our launch ✌️ Actually, you can use Blockstack apps from any browser. Please give Arcane Docs a try and let me know how it goes. I will share your thought with the Blockstack team too. Thanks.
Jikku Jose
@hi_im_donglu @walterion1 ..made on "Bitcoin blockchain to store your private key". How do you store private key in Bitcoin blockchain?
Brandon Clark
Would love a dark theme
@brandon_clark1 Give it an upvote and we will add it into the roadmap :D
Alexander De Ridder
Biggest thing to replace google docs is comments & real-time collaboration. I know that's hard to achieve (code), but it's what makes google docs so productive for teams.
@adridder Thanks Alexander for your interest. Yes, that is a lifesaver, and we have it on our plan πŸ‘
Oscar Manxz
Why do we need this? Legit question.
@manxz_ Indeed a legit question. As we produce more and more data, we need to put the standard of privacy higher and higher. Otherwise, we will take the risk of losing it in a bit.
@manxz_ You seem a pro too. I will be happy to hear your answer to such a question also.
Oscar Manxz
@walterion1 Not sure I would consider myself a pro. But I know I don't write important enough data on G suite to care about it being any more secure than already is. Maybe at an enterprise level this could be a solution for, but that's also a stretch. I don't know man.. Just being real, I think you're taking away all the cool features of G suite (like the ability to collaborate on the same file), and adding features with more friction for a subpar substitute. I would recommend you focus on fixing what's broken with G suite now, fix it and then worry about making it more secure. No one will trust Arcane Suite with really important information now, so why worry about a problem you don't have yet.
@manxz_ I get what you are saying. We began from our core value, respecting privacy. We prepared most of the everyday needs of many personal users and a good option for companies who want privacy and GDPR compliance. Step by step, we hope we can go further and add more, with having the support of kind people like you.
Thayallan Srinathan
This is awesome!
@thayallans You are very awesome 😎
Jay Parthasarthy
@thayallans I disagree, you are the most awesome person in the world also the best coder designer hacker best big code python java design frontend mongo HACKER 4 LIFE!
Conrad Ehinger
Very interesting! Just curious - if you have multiple people on a team working off one document, are there any difficulties you run into since this is built on a distributed database?
@conrad_ehing Happy to hear you liked it Conard. The fantastic part about Arcane Office is that the files are on the cloud so it can handle high demand as the best services out there. The solution is that files are encrypted with the highest standards, and the encryption keys are secured with blockchain and stored distributed. This way, you can have the best of both worlds.
@conrad_ehing Don't forget to share Arcane Sheets too.
Lui Kohl
@walterion1 Very impressive. I think there is absolutely a use case here and I would certainly consider it for more private documents. I think your sales pitch should ape Protonmail and DuckDuckGo more and deemphasize the blockchain element. For example your tag line might be: "A private, cryptographically secure alternative to Google Docs". Some distinction to drive home that this is the home for sensitive documents that are important. One other thing I noticed is that you seem to be taking a lot of inspiration from Word, personally, I prefer the more minimal interface of GDocs. Good luck, it's really impressive what you have so far IMO.
@lui_kohl Thank you very much, Lui, for the very thoughtful comment. We will study it more to improve our work. Regards.
Lakzhika Gayal
Big fan of your other product, Blackhole. This also seems to be a great alternative for G-suite. Wrote about this on the blog too ;) - Keep it up, Walterion. https://techbitz.co/
@lakzhikag Thank you very much Lakzhika πŸ™ Thank you again for the post, we appreciate it so much.
Thanks to @aaronoleary for the Hunt ✌️
Tom Bielecki
Incredibly cool. If/when you have an API, this is going to be absolutely killer.
@tombielecki Very nice to hear that Tom and be sure we have it in our pipeline ;)
@tombielecki For now, please share it with whoever you think it will be useful. Your support will help us a lot πŸ‘
What Im annoyed about, why a blockchain based alternative looks better than any open source libreoffice ever looked??
@petrkirpeit Sorry for annoying you, man! But our designers will be so much happy. 😸
@walterion1 I dont want to make it bad, it really looks cool, I love the design, due its a replication of the MS Office style, I would like to switch, but I really hate that blockstack stuff and that its stored on blockchain, but looking for especially such things for selfhosted or at least a alternative. Collabora is styling like in the 90s and Google docs make only slow steps forward, while Etherpad is no finished solution. Provide a non blockchain alternative, where people can store the documents at there own place and we have a deal ;) I even would like to share it then in my network. I think without blockchain need, you will get more audience for people which doesnt work with blockchain at all. Im not against blockchain, but some applications seems to be tooo much just for this. Im experimenting with blockchain to safe decisions of community administrations.
@petrkirpeit Thank you again! You already have that option too! You can make your own storage provider on your server, and all of your files will go there, and of course as encrypted. You should have an ID for that, but even you can host your own node of Blockstack too. Also, don't forget to check our other made apps too and support them if you liked them.
WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ! I'm really positively shocked to see the result of a fully open-source project that respect privacy and sign-in security with a so beautiful visual result !! I want to spread the word and send to all people I know for leaving little by little the Google suite !
@edimitchel Hey Michel, thank you very very much :D Yes, we need your support, and please let me know if you need anything. You can also contact us on the website.
@walterion1 I want to contribute to this project, what are the ways to contribute to it ? I see that Docs back end is built with .Net, it will continue as it ?
@edimitchel Lovely to hear that, please contact us on the website, and we will be happy to talk.
Alexis Visco
I am wondering how this can work ! Great product
@alexis_visco Thank you very much Alexis ✌️
Shaheen N S
seems interesting :)
@shaheen_n_s Happy to hear that! So I think you will find Arcane Sheets interesting too: www.producthunt.com/posts/arcane...
Dan Bar-Shalom
I think that for the average person the fact that it is based on blockchain not only means nothing, but also probably more related to bitcoin and other crypto currency rather than to what you are trying to say, which is that it is secured. So I think a much better tag line for your product is something along the lines of secure/private/encrypted alternative to Google docs. Also worth mentioning the fact that since the user owns the key, if it is lost there is no access to the docs anymore.
@danbars Thank you very much for sharing your thought Dan, we will consider them carefully. One point about users owning the key is that in the signup process, they can add an email so the needed info will be sent to them so they can keep them safe.
Juan Sarmiento
Replacing that Google-dependency is one of the biggest things nowadays, definitely will try. Quick-question: Anyone with the "Share-link" will be able to see my file?
@juanpablosarmi I am happy that you find it interesting. Yes everyone with the link, think it as a key to the file you want to share.
Dmitri Kyle Brereton
Awesome looking product. Wondering what makes it different from Graphite (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) ?
@dkb868 Thank you very much! Graphite is a great editor, and @jehunter5811 did a fantastic job with it. It goes with another new approach that new editors like Coda go, but Arcane wants to be a drop-in replacement for Microsoft office.
Fahad Shah
I love the animated logos! I'm also looking for something similar myself - where were they made?
Anoopam Banerjee
Will go ahead and give this a try.... Seems interesting. @walterion1 this seems interesting. Kudos.
@anoopam_banerjee Thank you very much Anoopam. Hope you like it and do not forget to check Arcane Sheets and Marks too.
Vitor Andrade
While it looks very cool one important aspect for any software to be truly secure is being able to prove its security. How can someone audit this software to ensure it truly is as secure and private as advertised?
@vitor_andrade Hey Vitor and thanks for your interest. They are web apps, and you can check them quickly, but I invite you to check Blockstacks secure authentication that makes sure your info is safe.