Ishtiaq Rahman

Chat Bubble - Simple, Open-Source, Chatbot UI for Web

Chat Bubble is Simple, Open-Source, Chatbot UI for Web.

Feather-light 1KB script with zero dependencies.

Give your users answer options, let them type with or without natural language classifier.

This framework is perfect if you are looking to build and experiment with a light-weight, simple and flexible JavaScript web bot.

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Hey Product hunt! I am Dmitri, I work with the Facebook Messenger, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa platforms to bring the power of AI interactions to users. However, that's not always the right approach when it comes to building lightning-fast applications with full control over data. Tools above require your user to either install an app, use dedicated hardware or download 2MB+ of JavaScript (which is a sure way to loose visitors). If all you really need to do is build a bot application for the web that loads instantly `chat-bubble` might be the right tool for you. `chat-bubble` is a feather-light 1KB JavaScript framework with zero dependencies. With it you can let your users select an answer from options list (dead-simple scenario), let them type an answer and have your own fuzzy-match function (example in the repo) or utilize the full power of an NLC. This framework is perfect if you are looking to build and experiment with a light-weight, simple and flexible JavaScript web bot. Would love to hear your comments, feedback and reviews!
Ishtiaq Rahman

Open-source. Enough said.


Clean design, fast and scalable.

