Youghourta Benali

Twitter Archive Eraser - Delete your old tweets in one go—well beyond the 3200 limit.

We help you clean up your Twitter profile by deleting tweets, Favorites and Direct Messages —while keeping your account, followers, and best performing tweets.

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Hi all, I'm the maker of Twitter Archive Eraser: an application that allows you to search, filter and to delete all your tweets, favorites and DMs automatically. I have made the app initially for myself, and then released it online for others to use. The source code is available on github (check link in the website). Twitter Archive Eraser is free and open source. It deleted more than 500 million tweets so far and counting. Since it uses the twitter archive to delete tweets, users' data never leave their computers and there is no rate limits whatsoever. Some users deleted more than 500k tweets from one single account! You can search tweets to keep or delete by keywords, time range, regular expressions etc... and delete up to 2000 tweets/minute. I hope you find it useful, Thanks
TIL that this is even possible.
Alex Kontis
I, for one, would love a Mac/web verson of this!
Windows only?!
Joseph Boomstick
It's a scam. It doesn't delete any tweets. Read the terms and conditions, they basically wrote there that the app doesn't work so you can't complain later and get your money back. Don't buy it.