Ryan Hoover

Arduboy - A mini open-source game system you can program yourself 👾

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Ryan Hoover
Like an open-source, affordable Gameboy. This arduino device was originally raised $433k on Kickstarter, now available to purchase at $49. Devices like this will inspire a large number of kids to learn to program and make games.
Patrick Thompson
@rrhoover $49 for something that looks like it can easily be lost, or crushed by anyone with big hands is affordable?
Ryan Hoover
@neurohacked a subjective word but for an all-in-one device you can program and play games on, it's not bad.
André Filgueira Simões
@rrhoover Nice project. One question, it has battery or must be always plugged into an USB?
Esben Hardenberg
@oandre it has a thin film battery good for several hours. I have one and think the quality is really good on the product.
André Filgueira Simões
@esbenhardenberg Oh, nice! I can imagine me playing pokemon or automating my house and "playing" with it :)
Awesome. Just bought one from the site. Thx
Wish someone makes Pokemon available on this. Welcome back childhood.
James Futhey
Saw this on Kickstarter– Really awesome project! Very cool holiday gift for anyone learning to tinker or program.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
OMG I dont know what I want to do with this but I need one.
I didn't get my shipment. Moreover, the site is not accessible now. Maybe they didn't renew their SSL cert.
Jensen Pitt
Awesome. Good arduino device. I also use boards esp32 https://elekonika.com/esp32-vs-e....