Use AI to choose the right side hustle for you
Alex King
Armchair Validate — Validate your side hustle or business idea using AI
AI Copilot for internally validating your side hustle or business idea. Our tool runs your idea through a 10-point analysis and provides you with a detailed report on the potential effectiveness of your idea.
Alex King
Armchair not only helps you come up with side hustle ideas based on you, but you can then run those ideas through Armchair's Validate tool to ensure the idea is worth pursuing.
Anjanay Saxena
@armchairalex A very interesting use case of AI. I use GPT personally for validating and soundboarding my thoughts. How is this your offering different apart from the UI/UX?
Alex King
@anjanay_saxena thanks for the comment, Anjanay. 1. We believe there is a lot of people who don't personally feel comfortable using GPT appropriately. The tech community and product hunt community are experts, but 90%+ of the world is not. Part of our internal goal is to democratize entrepreneurship and we believe this is a step towards that. 2. We have spent months researching what prompts are most critical to internally validating an idea. 3. It's a consolidation play. Instead of having to run multiple prompts, we take that fragmentation and consolidate it. 4. We have product features that we are working on that will get built on top of this so the tool can get to know you and your business better and better over time.
Vlad Volianskyi
Looks fun! But the important question - can it absolutely trash on my startup - glove for eating an ice-cream in a hot weather? Cuz I'm seriously contemplating in making going live with that thing.
Alex King
@soomie haha. It will give you the pros and cons, but I personally like the idea!
Esus 🛡️
Great GPT-combo tool. I like the frameworks you chose! Agreed with one of your comments that most people (myself included) wouldn't think to prompt using this many frameworks or this type of prompt. I think my only small thing was the pagination on the reports was a bit annoying to read, haha, but that's a very small nitpick :)
Alex King
@esus That is very helpful feedback! I will take that back to the team.
Riyan Aamir(
yes Alex thee should be side hustle.
Abhi Ram Rokkam
Good one
Alex King
@abhi_ram_rokkam thank you!