Hey @kamilmal and rest of the team, congrats on this very interesting new nft! An incredible community with a thoughtful roadmap. Team executes quite fast. E.g. Royalties are already here (10 days after launch), with plans to release a new asset called “Frames” to display your ArtPunks in. Good luck with the project!
@kamilmal@robinkunz Thank you so much for letting us know about ProductHunt! They should get more NFT Projects to use their services. Almost 500K followers for Producthunt.com on Twitter.
Love the royalties system
100% of the royalties benefit the holders. Out of the 8% royalties, 3% is used for development of ArtPunks. The other 5% is paid back daily to users as automatic rewards to people who have ArtPunks in your wallet.
It has been a pleasure to work on the ArtPunks team. I was their first follower and quickly was sold on the idea after talking to Jan. The past 8 weeks have been amazing. The community has been wonderful and not the only great part. We have bee able to implement automatic staking to any unlisted ArtPunks NFT. All people need to do in order to get rewards is hold the ArtPunks in their personal wallet. It is that simple. The first day of staking rewards wad 0.70 per ArtPunk for less than 24 hrs. Also don't forget about all the love that BitBoy Crypto and Deezy_BTC are showing for ArtPunks. Even Wendy O hasn't been able to resist the action. ArtPunks look amazing and with the new frames collection will only equal more rewards as ArtPunks gets better and better.
A masterpiece. When I see an ArtPunk, I see one of the best NFTs in terms of Art. Classic paintings are admirable. Brillant! Regarding the project and the team behind it... I've already had the opportunity to be inside other NFT communities, and this is simply the one that I like the most... At Discord I have the power to discuss with others members. They all help newcomers without asking for anything in return A very constructive community. Another very nice aspect is the division of royalties, which is way above my expectations and was even voted on by the entire community. Great project, great team, great community. 5 stars.
Hey fellow Art & NFT Lovers!😄
We hope you will fall in love with our NFT project as is our community on discord: discord.gg/ArtPunks and twitter https://twitter.com/ArtPunksNFT.
First of all, we'd like to thank Robin. He helped us tremendously in the preparation of this hunt.
But let's get down to business. We are a group of colleagues and enthusiasts of technological innovations. Many years ago, each of us became more or less interested in blockchain and the entire cryptocurrency market. An idea was born in our heads to add something to this wonderful world and we started our adventure.
Art and hinstory were also extremely important in our lives and they are also our passions and it is for this reason that this amazing ArtPunks project was born in our heads.
You will ask a question. What exactly is ArtPunks? ArtPunks is a collection of 10,000 unique NFTs prepared with the use of artificial intelligence. Hmm. Many people may think that art and artificial intelligence do not connect too much. Not in our project. Our neural network has learned 250 painting styles used in the paintings of famous or lesser known artists. The images were proposed to us by our community because we consider contact and cooperation with it as a priority. Our network then processed the Crypto Punk collections and something really amazing was created. On our part, it is a tribute to that project. We believe it was a milestone for the entire NFT world.
Apart from what you can see at first glance, our project has something that adds something special to it, namely Metadata. Each NFT has such data as:
• Rank
• CryptoPunk Rank
• CryptoPunk Type
• Painting Style Rank
• Painting English Title
• Painting Original Title
• Painting Author
• Author Nationality
• Movement
• Painting Type
• Painting Year
One of our main goals is the promotion of art and thanks to this data, everybody using our NFT can learn something about the artist on the basis of whose painting his ArtPunks was created. This is great because many people can discover less remembered artists whose achievements have contributed a lot.
If you have any questions about our project, feel free to ask them. Me and the whole team will be available for a QA in our discord and as well as here on ProductHunt etc.
We are waiting for your feedback. We are extremely interested in your opinions about our project. You can find more information on our website: https://artpunks.fun/
Visit museums and remember about the artists!!! 😄
hey guys, I have a few pieces of this art and I watch this community really closely - I can just recommend. I am also looking forward to print my Picasso in full HD :)
This project is awesome. They collided actual, well known, classic art with modern art (Crypto Punks). Stunning visuals and there's a reward system for holding their NFT's. The devs and community is always active in the discord. If you're looking for a long term hold, this is the one
Fantastic project with a great sole behind it. Not just another NFT, but a piece of AI artwork inspired by the greatest Paintings heritage.
Get yourself one or more before the prices soar or you regret it for the rest of your life 😉
NFT Collector
Love the royalties system
100% of the royalties benefit the holders. Out of the 8% royalties, 3% is used for development of ArtPunks. Is that not amazing.
Yet 5% is giving back to the community. This is really wonderful 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
My absolutely favorite new NFT project. The art itself is fantastic, but the community behind it is just as amazing. Great project, great art. Stop by the Discord and say hello!
NFT good Artpunk
This a good & promising project, their market work is very good, I hope the development of this project is . Best wishes for all the teams.
@gavin_sidechain Nothing has been decided when it comes to sharing of benefits just yet. We are following changes that may happen with the #NFT space. These are more like staking benefits than royalties since they are only available to one that are delisted. We are following changes closely.
Listen, there is nothing lately that has given me more pleasure to look and collect. Real artists mixed with punks and then mixed with Blockchain. Awesome and can be very profitable. Cheers.
Avaturn: Real 3D Avatars from Photo