Hiten Shah

ASOdesk - Improve your app visibility in the App Store and Google Play

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Sergey  Sharov
Thank you, Hiten for hunting us! Hello everyone on Product Hunt! We are so honored to be here! I’m Sergey, CEO & Co-founder at ASOdesk, please meet all the team above at Makers section, they are brilliant. Allow us to introduce you to the latest set of features that we have for iOS and Android apps. With ASOdesk you can: - Get accurate statistics for your keywords. - Collect semantic core for your app 3 times faster with Semantic Research feature. - Understand the estimated number of installs from search requests for your apps and your competitor’s apps with Organic Report feature. - Track your reviews with Slack or email integration with any app that you add to the dashboard. Get -30% OFF for all the plans, monthly & annually with PRODUCTHUNT promo code. For more information, please visit our blog - https://medium.com/blog-asodesk-com Thanks to everyone who has been with us on this journey so far, and a warm welcome to newcomers! We will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have!
Félipé Upperlife
@sergey_sharov Is there a way to unsubscribe to the email list??? I checked everywhere, opt out in the website, try to click in the email itself, but the link in the footer to unsubscribe doesnt work. Please let me know
Sergey  Sharov
@falemaster hi, I will check, may be there is a bug
Ivan Wong
@sergey_sharov Hi Sergey, is the discount still active? Thanks!
Отличный сервис, сам пользуюсь уже четыре месяца и рекомендую для использования. Даже видео снял на семинаре
Vasiliy Mescheryakov
I had known Sergey as a powerful ASO expert before he launched ASODesk. Now he is giving all his knowledge and experience to ASOdesk service, helping to increase app installs in AppStore or Google Play We at CoinKeeper became one of the first beta users of the platform. Since then we use it almost every day. Organic Search report is unique feature and provide meaningful insight helping to increase downloads and conversion rates. ASODesk data proved to be much more meaningful comparing to Sensor Tower and other app analytics services ASODesk is a 'must-have' tool for any product or marketing manager dealing with mobile apps. It evolves rapidly and the team is always listening to users, often implementing users feature requests
Diana Sedunova
@wasiafuse Thank you Vasiliy, just remembered when I was beta tester of ASOdesk :) App Stoe Ranking went up!!
Sergey  Sharov
@wasiafuse Wow! Vasya it is the best words which I have heard :) Thanks a lot, mate!
Hiten Shah
Here's a pretty useful tool to help you when you're looking to get found on the App Store and Google Play. Learn what keywords your apps and competitor apps are ranked for. You can also get app reviews right into Slack. If you've got an app, try it out. They also have a free plan!
Diana Sedunova
@hnshah Once again, thanks Hiten for hunting!
The product is really nice. I was absolutely zero on ASO and now I can do it for many localities. It would be great to get an automatic compilation/recommendation of the key words to upload on to the App Store taking into account the number of symbols permitted.
Diana Sedunova
@yelena_ab Thanks Elena, we keep working on. Expect more automation feature soon!
Ivan Kozlov
Awesome product. We use ASODesk every single day to make the best ASO for our apps. Nice job guys!
Diana Sedunova
@ikozlov Thanks Ivan! We're really excited about it!
Sergey  Sharov
@ikozlov Thank for your feedback! It is important for us!
Ilia Kukharev
Using this tool for about a year since the first beta, and it's really awesome, the only tool that shows the exact amount of searches for the keywords and offers search suggest to build a semantic core. I also like other features like Organic Report, where you can see all search requests, that people use to download your app. If you want your app to be in top charts, this is the only tool you should use.
Diana Sedunova
@ilia_kukharev Spasibo Ilia! Thank you! Nice words!
Diana Sedunova
@ilia_kukharev And Yes, thanks for mentioning Organic Report, we are really proud of this feature!
Anna Koltsova
Sergey, can you tell more about the difference between ASOdesk and, for example, Sensor Tower, AppFollow and many other ASO services? And my congratulations with Product Hunt!
Sergey  Sharov
@nyushechka_z Thanks Anna! Good question, our statistics for keywords value is more precise and accurate, Here you can find more info —> https://goo.gl/2OJ9GW
Gabriel Machuret
@nyushechka_z mainly ASOdesk flow changes the way we do ASO in an insane way. The process is faster. Also ASOdesk doesn't really assume difficulty in terms because understands that every keyword has a complex difficulty based on industry. What it does different is empower you with realistic data that is way more accurate than other tools
Roman Milovanov
This is my #1 ASO tool. Definitely worth using
Eugeny Plokhoj
I'm using ASOdesk for all our products. Amazing solution for App Store optimization with really helpful tools!
Sergey  Sharov
@plokhoj Thanks Eugene, I'm glad to hear it :-)
Diana Sedunova
@plokhoj Thanks Eugeny, so much! Really grateful for your support!
Heh, I have got a very interesting statistics of my competitor's organic traffic. It took 5 minutes. A very useful tool. Well done guys!
David Yang
We are using ASOdesk already. Cool product!
Serge Zakharov
@david_yang1 Thanks, David! Findo is also a great product and we are happy to work with you and give you the tool to make it more targeted in App Store!
Sergei E. Mitrofánov
Great stuff. I like how ASOdesk works. It helped my client to get more users for app on both mobile platforms.
Diana Sedunova
@semitrofanov Thanks Sergei, this is what we do! ❤️
Mark Ten
Absolutely is a must for all mobile marketers. Great work, guys!
Sergey  Sharov
@marc_ten Thanks Mark! Very warm words :)
Dmitry S
I've been using ASO Desk since its beta version and still happy with it. The reason why is clear: really unique data mining algorithms allowing my apps get more organics. Just wondering how such a small team created the great product in a very short time without any venture funding.
Sergey  Sharov
@rabbitdigi Expect more automation feature soon! Thanks :)
Diana Sedunova
@rabbitdigi Hi Dmitry, thank you for a nice comment! Really appreciate
Serge Zakharov
@rabbitdigi Thanks a lot! We are seeking to make the best in data, simple to understand ASO tool. We are really inspired by you and other clients who gives us extended feedback and ideas to realize!
Evgen Gnutko
Thanks to ASO Desk - its the main tool for NumBuster app, which helps us to manage our aso strategy! With ASO Desk we've reached 1000+ installs per day!
Sergey  Sharov
@evgen_gnutko Thanks for your feedback! Great results :-)
Diana Sedunova
@evgen_gnutko Wow Evgen! This is really awesome numbers you achieved! Thanks for the support!
Nikita Halavins
These guys have quite nice algorithms you should not miss. Thank you Sergey for your work. Your service has significantly improved since we met. Good job and wish you good luck! 👍
Sergey  Sharov
@stealthychat Thanks a lot, mate! Very warm words ❤️
Serge Zakharov
@stealthychat Working every day to make such stories to become true :) Thanks, Nik!
Nika Grigoryeva
Helpful tool for improving ASO, have a good experience with Asodesk.
Diana Sedunova
@nika_grigoryeva thank you Nika for the words of support!
Svetlana Korneliuk
ASOdesk is great product and keeps getting greater! Strongly recommend it!
Sergey  Sharov
@svetlana_korneliuk Thanks! I'm glad to hear this words :)