@kapsteur thank you for your question, tokens will be exchangeable to any other fiat currency in near future. There is a value in blocking ads and making web less cluttered with predatory ad trackers, we want to capture value you are creating by blocking ads.
Will you guys be running miner? You didnt ans anyone above asking where the tokens come from? Or its like you have generated infinite and giving it out in a lucrative way?
@evivz Hi Vivek, thanks for the question, in fact this is the question that we get a lot, our tokens are pre airdrop tokens that you can increase the value early on by installing our plugin and blocking ads.
@azizergashev Thankz for your reply Aziz. I checked again 6 months later.
It appears the Asora add on is still not available on firefox. Same message appears.
Hi @kai_ebnother I admire your interest and the fact you checked back! We did have our add-on in Mozilla Add-On store but due to crypto regulations, they took us off of the store after 2 months. And to be honest with you we did a pivot to the completely different product due to the lack of traction with AdBlocker.
Wishing you happy holidays, Aziz
@azizergashev Thank for your honest and complete response. I will try to use your ad blocker on chrome. Thanks for the holiday wishes Aziz.
I wish you happy holidays as well! 😃
Cool idea but,
Where do the tokens come from ?
What is there value ?
On the pug-in help page, you say "You will be paid in digital currency and you can use that for anything on the web that accepts digital currency" - Does that mean we would use Asora Token to buy stuff on the internet ?
I can see that on the plug-in you are planing on creating a token wallet.
What will be the features of this wallet ? Can we sell Asora Token for another token ?
I guess there is much more questions like that to ask, can you explain more ? :D
@seantiffonnet thank you for asking detailed question, indeed there a lot of mechanics that is being worked out as we discuss. Wallet feature is coming soon. The idea, earlier you join our journey more shares you will have of our company. You already blocking ads why not with us and tokens are going to be exchangeable to any fiat currency in near future.
@seantiffonnet Hi Sean, ad-bloker will stop annoying ads from appearing on websites you visit and on Facebook and prevents hidden data tracking beacons to snoop on you.