Dylan Fox

AssemblyAI - Speech-to-Text API - APIs to automatically transcribe and understand audio

Speech-to-Text APIs to accurately and automatically transcribe and understand audio/video in your product. Powered by advanced AI models.

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Dylan Fox
*** 2022 PH UPDATE ***: Hi Product Hunt! Over the last few years, we've been fortunate to see our Speech-to-Text APIs power applications at hundreds of startups, Fortune 500s, and hackathons. Our APIs use advanced AI models to accurately transcribe audio/video files. Beyond Speech-to-Text, we have APIs to extract more data out of your audio - like summarization, detecting sensitive content like hate speech, sentiment analysis, etc. Since we launched on PH, we've: 🎯 Improved transcription accuracy by over 50% - and are now the #1 rated Speech-to-Text API in accuracy on G2 💰 Raised over $35M from top investors like John/Patrick Collison (Stripe founders) 📃 Launched APIs for Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, and Content Moderation (on audio files) 📈 Now process over 2M audio files with our APIs every single day If you have any questions about our API, or want to give it a try, you can sign up for free and get an API token -- you can also reach out to me directly at dylan[at]assemblyai[dot]com! ✌️ -------- Hey all, I’m the founder of AssemblyAI (https://www.assemblyai.com). We're in the current batch of Y Combinator (S17) and are building an API for customizable speech recognition. Developers and companies use our API for things like transcribing phone calls and building voice powered smart devices. Unlike current speech recognition APIs, developers can customize our API to more accurately recognize an unlimited amount of industry specific words or phrases unique to what they're building without any training required. For example, you can recognize thousands of product or person names with our API. Or you can more accurately recognize commands/phrases common or custom to your use case. We've developed our own deep neural network speech recognition architecture, and aren't using any open source speech frameworks like Kaldi or Sphinx (just Tensorflow). Because of this, we're able to run things more affordably and pass those savings on to developers. I used to work on projects that had speech recognition requirements before starting AssemblyAI, and saw how limiting, expensive, and hard to work with traditional speech recognition services and APIs were. We want to help developers and companies easily build products with speech recognition. Would love feedback from the community on what we're building, and if you have any questions about deep learning or deep learning in production ask away!
Moin Uddin
@youvegotfox congrats on the launch. Are you guys working on a JS SDK for browser use? Would help you I think.
Dylan Fox
@moinism hey thanks! we are definitely working on a JS SDK that uses WebRTC ... hoping to have it out soon!
Nearly Normal
@youvegotfox Great going Dylan. Look forward to libraries in JS and PHP!
Daniel Williams
@youvegotfox hi! This seems really neat. Is this a potential competitor for specialized recognition services, such as medical niches? Could you for example, have one user be more specialized in radiology lingo while another user is more specialized for cardiology? Does it learn over time with edits from the user and such? I work on an app that uses a 3rd party speech recognition SDK in the medical field, and I'm always looking for other options.
Dylan Fox
@xcadaverx Exactly! You can have one user for radiology lingo and another for cardiology. And when you query the API with audio data, the transcripts will be customized for each user. Right now there is no user feedback loop, but we do QA that improves the system over time with more use. Would love to chat with you about your app! If you want to email beta@assemblyai.com I will look for your email and follow up with you directly about trying out our API!
Sotiris Karagiannis
Seems very interesting product. I'd love to test it. Already shared it with some friends :-)
Dylan Fox
@skaragiannis thanks! if you email beta@assemblyai.com I'll look for your mail and can get you setup with the API
Aino Valtonen
Congrats on the launch and being top rated for accuracy!
Kevin Smith
This is a great product. Audio is such an exciting space for AI. In the future, AI will be embedded in every audio device.
Marc Bernhard
Was waiting for this!
Wasael Groups
Used this already and had a quite wonderfull user experince I would rate Assembly AI 10/10 it makes me read the right content for a construction company in karachi
Shivi Jalota
great product congrats on the launch
Daniel T
Product looks good! Have shared with some friends who will love it!
Gonna test it soon!
Chadi El Husseini
Oh that´s cool, congrats on the great work!
Polina Azarevich
Very cool!
Sam Edwards
This is awesome! I can't wait to try it out!
Emir Mert ÇAMLI
Great product. Congrats on making this happen!
Jayadevi Santi
amazing product.
Troy (Mitch) Mitchell
@youvegotfox Congratulations on the launch.
Jorge Falcon
WOW!! This could be the future for transcript podcasts, speeches or long meeting audios, etc. As a freelance writer sometimes I have to transcribe long audios, this could be a very exhaustive task. I will check out this API and share it with some of my colleagues.
Van Boughner
I love the idea of classifying and separating different parts of the transcription of an audio file according to the content. Great idea here!
Jeetendra Gangele
Supporting multiple languages with multiple dialects is the key ... Google/Amazon speech to text works like charm and support even local languages of India, which is the key...
Ghost Kitty
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Chris Wilson
@youvegotfox We built VoiceCutTech.com and might look into using your service. How are you different than VoiceBase and are you better at recognizing custom commands? What is or will be your pricing model? Interested to find out more
Dylan Fox
@automateiq Hey Chris! If you want to shoot an email to beta@assemblyai.com and mention this post, I can look for it and reply to you with some more info. We're very accurate at recognizing custom commands. You can actually restrict the API to just supporting the commands you need to be able to support.