10X your online restaurant in 3 months. This is the easiest way to start, run and grow your restaurant on the internet. No code, no design, and no more being enslaved to excessive food delivery platform commissions.
Hey PH! We are the co-creators of Atlas. Previously we started Grain, a venture-backed online restaurant that grew (still growing) to many millions in revenue, 100K+ B2C customers, 10K+ B2B customers.
While building Grain, we realised how hard it is for regular restaurant owners to scale online. We get frequent calls to advise on this problem and the pandemic further accelerated this need.
And that’s why we are excited to launch Atlas - Shopify for restaurants. The easiest way to start, run and grow restaurants online.
Atlas is building the software that will help restaurants achieve what Grain did in 3 years in less than 3 months.
After talking to >100 restaurant owners, we have narrowed down the initial problems we will be focusing on solving with our customers:
- No more expensive commissions.
- Own website and app with branded experience.
- Own the customers database.
- Growth systems and frameworks to help you scale.
- Compare and book logistics providers.
- Dynamic delivery fees.
- Tech-enabled logistics management service.
- Stock and time capacity management.
- Direct integration with food delivery platforms.
- And that’s just the start.
We’d love to get some feedback and I’m happy to answer questions! You can also email us at founders@atlas.kitchen, we love talking to customers.