
Atlas VPN - Free VPN for browsing & streaming without limitations


Visit any website and stream your favorite shows freely no matter where you are with Atlas VPN for Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS (coming soon). Enjoy the true freedom of the internet while keeping your data private and secure at no cost.

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Travis Bellington
Cool product! However, before I try it out; being a free VPN, how do you make your money? I heard that if you are getting something for free, then its most likely that YOU are the product. Does this mean that you collect data on your users?
@travis_bellington That is a great question. Atlas VPN offers both a free and a premium access. The free version is for anyone in need of a secure internet access, which helps us follow our mission: make secure access to the internet as simple as it can be. The premium version is for anyone who wish to use the additional features of Atlas VPN. Our premium users help us grow revenue and maintain access to the free version as well. We have a strict no-logs policy and we do not collect any user-identifiable information.
Hello, hunters, I’m Jordan, and I would like to introduce you to Atlas VPN — a fast, free, and secure VPN service for browsing and streaming without limitations. Our mission at Atlas VPN is to make the internet truly open for everyone while also protecting your data and privacy. Atlas VPN unlocks content globally so you can watch your favorite shows and visit any website no matter where you are. It also encrypts your connection to protect your data from prying eyes of the internet, be it authorities or hackers. Our VPN service is completely free. However, we also offer a premium version that features a wider selection of servers and locations worldwide as well as some other perks. We also made Atlas VPN very simple to use, so even VPN beginners can take advantage of our service with no trouble. If you have any questions or suggestions, drop us a line here at PH. Our team and I will be happy to address them! I would also like to encourage you to download Atlas VPN for Android, iOS, or Windows and try our service yours elves. Take care! Jordan
Corey Pinkman
Which payment systems do you use and how are these linked to individual user accounts? Do you offer crypto payments?
Mary Lincoln
@corey_pinkman Our apps are available on Google Playstore and Apple Appstore - we use standard payments of these platforms. Payment options using crypto currency are not available yet, however, we are working on introducing them as well. :)
Aaron Neilson
Nice work, team! Does Atlas VPN work with torrents? Does it have killswitch?
Mary Lincoln
@aaron_neilson Atlas VPN does offer Killswitch both on Android and iOS Applications, however, Killswitch is still in the work for the Windows app! And yes, Atlas VPN works well with torrents. :)