Audigram reads aloud text messages from chats and channels of Telegram. It is particularly useful on the road or doing chores. In sum, when you cannot scroll the feed manually. Check this out and save your vision and hands for important things!
@ayauho Agree! The audio applications in general are underrated. Visual interfaces have been developing rapidly for the decades but audio doesn't change much.
Hi! My name is Semyon.
I am subscribed to a lot of chats and channels of Telegram. And often I do not want to scroll them manually but wouldn't mind to listen to their content on background.
This is how the Audigram was born. I've built it to give Telegram users ability to listen to the channels and save some time.
Now the Audigram is an Android-only and pretty basic.
- Smartphone's text-to-speech module turns Telegram texts into the audio feed.
- There are few simple screens: login and list of chats/channels.
- Two playback modes. Short tap to listen in reversed order. Hold to listen to an unread messages in direct order.
You are welcome to try Audigram and tell about your experience✨
For the discussion: what content from your favorite apps you would like to see in an audio format?