Chris Messina

Twitter Backup Tool - A shareable, auto-updating archive of your Twitter account

Top Hunter

Twitter's built-in data export is a limited static snapshot. This tool creates a live archive of your Twitter content instead. Your archive is shareable and will always stay up to date. Plus, it turns your Twitter feed into an API, too.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
With the Twitter API all but shutting down (or putting up a paywall), here's hoping a product like this can help folks get out while they still can!
Hey everyone, maker here! With the entire Twitter experience becoming increasingly erratic, we built the Twitter Backup Tool for the same reason we built We believe in the value of the content you create, whether it’s on Twitter or elsewhere. And we want to enable you to take back control of your content. The way the tool works is very straightforward: 1. Log in with your Twitter account 2. Wait about 30 minutes 3. You'll receive an email from our system with a link to your auto-updating Twitter archive Unlike Twitter's own data export, your archive is live, updating whenever you tweet something and it's shareable. Plus, it essentially turns your Twitter account into an API, so that you have the utmost flexibility. Thanks a lot @chrismessina for hunting us!
Paolo De Giglio 🚀
Wow! Congratulations on the launch on Product Hunt! 🎉
@paolo_degiglio Thank you :)
Usama Ejaz
Awesome! This is an incredibly useful tool for saving and managing Twitter content - thank you for creating it!
@usamaejaz Yay! Thanks :)
Usama Ejaz
@ehauch a question: do you also update the metrics (likes, retweets, etc) for the fetched tweets? i am guessing you don't?
Lisa Shmulyan
Congratulations @emiswelt :)
Well done team. Really hoping that Twitter won't but hurdles in front of your service 🤞
Hadia Khawar
t sounds like an amazing product with lots of great features. I'm sure it will become a great asset to many organizations. Best of luck @ehauch
Francisco Vazquez Avila
What happens if the account gets suspended/deleted? Would it still show the last info it displayed?