Discord Message Embed Builder - Build and preview Discord message embeds in realtime


A simple, clean interface to help you build embed messages for your Discord bot! Auto-generates message previews and all the code needed to send it. Easily share your embed with others using a simple share link.

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Hey everyone! Maker here 👋. Happy to bring another great Discord bot building tool to the table. Embedded messages are a very popular, but complex feature that Discord allows you to send via your bot. When creating these manually with just code, there is often ambiguity about what you're going to get when you send it. With our embed builder, that uncertainty is gone! Our simple, clean UI updates in realtime based on the content you provide to show you an accurate preview of your message. This includes image attachments, formatted message blocks, embeds and even brand new functionality like Discord interactive button components! To make sharing easier, you can also create an embed URL that you can send to others with pre-configured message properties. We believe this will help unlock all sorts of creative possibilities within the Discord bot building ecosystem. Would love to hear your feedback, or what other tools we can add to make bot building easier.
Fajar Siddiq
Can we embed the whole chat on a website?
Ken Moo
Finally a product for Discord. Congrats!
Looks great!
@theshadyx Thanks so much :D