Chi T.

Autonomous Sit to Stand SmartDesk 3 - AI-powered height-adjustable standing desk, $599

SmartDesk 3: the world's first AI-powered height adjustable standing desk. Your new executive assistant that combats burnout, improves your health and enhances your productivity. Order it now for $599.

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Chi T.
Hi Product Hunters! Ever wish you had an assistant that is not just a great multi-tasker, but also a fast learner? With SmartDesk 3 - the world’s first AI-powered standing desk - you have a personalized, built-in executive assistant that understands your priorities and delivers what you need. 1. Turns your good intentions into actions. SmartDesk 3 pays attention to your activity, energy intake, calendar and workflow to create personalized wellness plans that improve your productivity and focus. Sustaining optimal functioning can be a bit of a balancing game, but SmartDesk 3 makes intelligent suggestions throughout the day to keep you active, well-rested, focused, and on schedule. Stay on track with a single tap! 2. Anticipates your dietary, transport, and environmental needs and recommends Shortcuts that solve them. SmartDesk 3 learns that you like the temperature toasty, Nina Simone when you’re working, and that when it’s lunchtime, you’d like extra jalapenos on your pizza. So when you’re feeling chilly, jazzy, or a veggie pizza-- there’s a Shortcut in place to turn what you want into what you have. Tap once to kick the heat up, once to put your favourite playlist on, and just once to turn your delivery menu into real-life, cheesy goodness. Check out the Shortcut Store to download an ever increasing number ways to save time and pain! It doesn’t stop there -- your SmartDesk 3 standing desk is powered by an advanced algorithm that gets faster and sharper the more you interact with it. In addition, over-the-air updates make sure your experience stays optimal and you get a product that can really keep up with you. The Internet of (office) Things is here! This is just the tip of the iceberg, so please ask us anything or let us know what you think! As always, we support you with our 30-day free trial. If you don’t love it, we pick it up and give you a full refund.
Jolie Haynes
Is it possible for a 27 years old girl to assemble the desk?
Chi T.
@jolie73842350 Sure you can! Assembling is simple and usually takes around 30 minutes for a 27-year-old woman ;) We will also send along an assembly video guide to make sure that everything is right!
Robert Gibb
@jolie73842350 @chitran241 I purchased the Smart Desk 2 and it took me about an hour or more. People have told me I'm slow though lol. The time it takes to put together is worth it though. Also, I had a problem with one of the legs I ordered and the Autonomous team was quick to replace it - very little questions asked. I haven't used the Smart Desk 3 but am a fan of the 2.
Chi T.
@jolie73842350 @gibbiv That's great to hear Robert! Thank you for your endorsement. If you loved the SmartDesk 2, we're very excited to see what you think of the SmartDesk 3!
Chi T.
@jolie73842350 @gibbiv We wish we had the budget for that, that would be awesome!
Would love to have this in my office!
Chi T.
@meineleserei What are you waiting for? I'm sure you would love it :)
Sean McCoy

The SD3 is the first of it's kind. The desk uses what the company refers to as "shortcuts" a one tap solution to ordering food, ride sharing, or even Spotify by predicting what you want, when you want it.


It knows exactly what you want, when you want it and can get it to you faster with just one swipe of your finger.


It's just the tip of the iceberg. The capabilities of the SD3 are much beyond it's current features and will only grow with updates.

Denny Hollick

I've been using their DIY desk for a few weeks now and think it's great value. Problem is, the desk I ordered, was not the desk I received. Turns out a lot of the specs on the site and prices are totally wrong. I let them know and they brushed it off as not a big deal and didn't offer a solution besides 'return it'. Specs on the site are still wrong... and I still have a desk that wasn't what I originally ordered. I worry about them fulfilling warranty, but ultimately, it's pretty careless that they would sell desks with complete wrong specs and not care enough to update it.

EDIT: Their customer care manager reached out to fix the issue BUT... They promised they would ship me the right desk, and after I sent several followup emails they just stopped responding altogether as if they had shut down the company. I even reached out to the CEO and no response. It just cements what I felt before...


Great value for a desk


Their customer service and attention to detail leaves much to be desired.

Kaitlin Anne Haynes
Hi Denny, Kaitlin here, Autonomous Customer Experience Lead. I am so sorry for the unsatisfactory experience with purchasing. I can assure you that this is not the kind of experience we strive to provide our customers. I have found your support email and am going to be emailing you personally so we can get this corrected for you!
Long Nguyen
This is a great product! Congrats, guys! just 1 question, is the built-in touchscreen water resistant? i definitely see myself spill water all over that lol
Chi T.
@truonglong88 Great question Long! I'm also prone to spilling water on all my nice things. While the SmartDesk 3 isn't waterproof, a few drops of water aren't going to doing any damage. We recommend drying it though and saving those big spills for the kitchen floor.
George Lechter

I love my SmartDesk. It is inexpensive, quiet, the BEST.

The new electronics compete with billion (trillion in the case of Apple) dollar companies, trying to tell you when to sit and stand. The apple watch knows when you are standing or sitting, is hooked to reminders, etc., etc. Are you gonna compete with THAT???

When I got my desk, I had to pay my handyman $ 200 to assemble it. I am 63, so I NEED the features of the desk! But I cannot assemble something like this, my 5 doctors would freak out. My back will need months of recovery.

Please, Smartdesk needs to team up with Amazon, they assemble things for $ 80 countrywide.

But Smartdesk to compete with Apple, Samsung, Microsoft? Competing with companies valued at two trillion dollars? No No No Sir. NO NO NO. Ask any MBA from any business school. All MBAs like me in the world will warn you.

Fortunately you will see that in the lackluster marketing results.

What you need is just click here and for an extra $ 150 or so we will assemble AND train you on how to use your desk. And how to press the two buttons.

And who am I you might say? google 'apple must time magazine', click on the Time Magazine article, I am Cortland.


Desk is great. Needs assembly team, not Apple Watch competition


New electronics are ridiculous

Chi T.
Hey George! Thanks for your insight. The best part about being a startup is that we have the flexibility to take feedback like this and alter our service to meet the consumers needs. We are certainly not trying to compete with Apple, quite contrarily they are our inspiration. Thank you for tipping us towards Amazon, we will look into that!
How many colors do you have with your desk?
Chi T.
@qthanh_le SmartDesk 3 is available in Titan Black, Classic White and Grayscale (white desktop and gray frame).
Wayne Arthington
Why should I buy the SmartDesk 3 over other standing desks? What makes it different from a desk with a tablet?
Chi T.
@d_qu_c_d_t SmartDesk 3 allows you to control your environment, your sit-to-stand preferences, your health and your productivity -- all at a single touch. A workstation that truly works for you, it learns you to understand your priorities and anticipate your needs.
Liz Nguyen
I can only order pizza on the SmartDesk 3?
Chi T.
@lizvifah Nope, you can order any kind of food you like. Just tap the shortcut - order food - on SmartDesk 3 and you're all set for a delicious meal ;)
Zon Chu
Looks interesting! Do you have any special discount for offices?
Chi T.
@zon_chu To arrange a bulk order, please fill out the bulk order request form on our website so our team can directly assist you.
Nancy Phan
Which shortcuts will be available on delivery if i’m going to place the order today?
Chi T.
@nancydmgpl For your convenience, 2 shortcuts come pre-installed. The Sit-to-Stand shortcut allows you to adjust the height of the desk and save your preferences. Order Food connects you to hundreds of restaurants to organise delivery.
This is neat! Is there going to be a open API for writing your own features or allow external control?
Chi T.
@mrstone7890 Yes! We are working on an SDK that will allow anyone to write shortcuts for the SmartDesk 3. We should have the SDK ready in November.
Chi T.
@hustlinhack Hey Kyle, this is the same SmartDesk 3 just posted by a different user who was a fan of the product! This is the official page and we're happy to share any information we can with you.
Даша Рощина
looks pretty cool
Trong Dinh
What is the hardware and OS used on the new AI controller?
Chi T.
@bryanvn The AI controller is a custom built touchscreen and we've created our own OS called AOS (Autonomous Operating System) that we're using for the controller. It will connect all smart office features together!
Kevin Johnson
what’s your guys’ personal favorite feature of the SmartDesk 3?
Chi T.
@kev9203 Our favorite feature is definitely ordering lunch with the integration. Great food, delivered straight to your SmartDesk 3, why not?!
Agusti Fernandez Pardo
@chitran241 great desk! Any plans on international shipping? Either Spain or Mexico would be fine with me..
Chi T.
@schpn Thanks for the compliment. Our SmartDesk 3 will be available in the US first and then we will ship it worldwide shortly ;)
Sabrina Kipper
In general this type of desk is useful for health and comfortable for work. But such model is so expensive!( For example this electric height adjustable desk has also good characteristics, but price $259.99. Why is that?
Oli Gardner
The ordering food option on this desk makes me want to have one for work AND home. :) Amazing.