Autonomous Sit to Stand SmartDesk 3 - AI-powered height-adjustable standing desk, $599
SmartDesk 3: the world's first AI-powered height adjustable standing desk. Your new executive assistant that combats burnout, improves your health and enhances your productivity. Order it now for $599.
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
The SD3 is the first of it's kind. The desk uses what the company refers to as "shortcuts" a one tap solution to ordering food, ride sharing, or even Spotify by predicting what you want, when you want it.
Pros:It knows exactly what you want, when you want it and can get it to you faster with just one swipe of your finger.
Cons:It's just the tip of the iceberg. The capabilities of the SD3 are much beyond it's current features and will only grow with updates.
I've been using their DIY desk for a few weeks now and think it's great value. Problem is, the desk I ordered, was not the desk I received. Turns out a lot of the specs on the site and prices are totally wrong. I let them know and they brushed it off as not a big deal and didn't offer a solution besides 'return it'. Specs on the site are still wrong... and I still have a desk that wasn't what I originally ordered. I worry about them fulfilling warranty, but ultimately, it's pretty careless that they would sell desks with complete wrong specs and not care enough to update it.
EDIT: Their customer care manager reached out to fix the issue BUT... They promised they would ship me the right desk, and after I sent several followup emails they just stopped responding altogether as if they had shut down the company. I even reached out to the CEO and no response. It just cements what I felt before...
Pros:Great value for a desk
Cons:Their customer service and attention to detail leaves much to be desired.
PERI Duo Case
I love my SmartDesk. It is inexpensive, quiet, the BEST.
The new electronics compete with billion (trillion in the case of Apple) dollar companies, trying to tell you when to sit and stand. The apple watch knows when you are standing or sitting, is hooked to reminders, etc., etc. Are you gonna compete with THAT???
When I got my desk, I had to pay my handyman $ 200 to assemble it. I am 63, so I NEED the features of the desk! But I cannot assemble something like this, my 5 doctors would freak out. My back will need months of recovery.
Please, Smartdesk needs to team up with Amazon, they assemble things for $ 80 countrywide.
But Smartdesk to compete with Apple, Samsung, Microsoft? Competing with companies valued at two trillion dollars? No No No Sir. NO NO NO. Ask any MBA from any business school. All MBAs like me in the world will warn you.
Fortunately you will see that in the lackluster marketing results.
What you need is just click here and for an extra $ 150 or so we will assemble AND train you on how to use your desk. And how to press the two buttons.
And who am I you might say? google 'apple must time magazine', click on the Time Magazine article, I am Cortland.
Pros:Desk is great. Needs assembly team, not Apple Watch competition
Cons:New electronics are ridiculous
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case
PERI Duo Case