
Dawn - A minimal, elegant calendar to manage events & reminders


Dawn is an elegantly minimal calendar app that aims to revolutionize calendars with integrated to-dos, reminders, and subtasks. It's the calendar for you to manage entire days.

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I've been an early Beta tester for Dawn, and I'm sold. It's beautiful, it's simplifying task management by integrating Apple Reminders (I love using Siri to input todos), and it allows addition of sub-tasks which show up as Notes in the native Reminders app, and as checklists in Dawn. My main focus is to either plan my day right in the morning, or right before sleeping, and Dawn makes that so easy to do. The Calendar/Task Management category is so heavily packed with some very wonderful apps, but Dawn is a breath of fresh air. It likely isn't for very heavy users/projects/teams, but it's just about perfect for day-to-day planning for most people.
Eric Lee
@mingulertok Couldn't be more thankful for your support Kriti, Dawn has come a long way thanks to you and each and every one of my early supporters. 
To me, it’s not just the joy of building beautiful apps that keeps me going but more so hearing people enjoying them and even having their lives changed for the better.
 Dawn is the user’s just as much as it is mine, never hesitate to reach out to me personally for requests or concerns. Good day to everyone!
Joshua Pinter
Really beautiful, Eric! Is the data backed up or synched? Are the To-Dos stored in the app only or do they integrate with Reminders or anything?
Eric Lee
@joshuapinter Thank you Joshua, very glad you like the design! To-Dos are synced with Reminders, which can be set to be synced with iCloud. Everything in Dawn will thus be synced and should be backed up to iCloud if they are enabled in your native Calendar and Reminders app. Hope this helps, good day to you!
Joshua Pinter
@hyericlee Music to my ears! Purchased!
Joshua Pinter
@hyericlee Just synched my calendar and reminders. Fucking gorgeous, mate! Really well done. And how you add subtasks to Reminders by starting a line with a hyphen is super genius. Left a glowing review for you!
Eric Lee
@joshuapinter Hi Joshua, seems like you've discovered a secret feature of Dawn, Dawn's auto detection of subtasks. If you change the hyphen to a plus sign (+) it actually turns the task into completed state ;) Thanks so much for the positive review, really means a lot to me! Good day to you Joshua!
Greg Stone

In my opinion, this product is still in BETA. Completely unable to use the app because of its instability. After it crashes, I close the app and re-open it. Dawn gives the same message every time, "We're updating our databases. This may take a few minutes. Hang tight." Well, that message never goes away and the app won't restart without uninstalling and reinstalling only to start the cycle over. I'll look forward to trying again after some major bug fixes.


Beautiful to look at. Well executed idea. Perfect and simple onboarding.


Crashes a lot. No trial period for a $4 app.

Eric Lee
Hi Greg, I’m really sorry about the experience you’re having! Seems like there are still certain compatability issues that aren’t fixed, I’ll get working on stabilization as top priority and make sure crashes or hangs are resolved. Please email me at and I’ll personally assist you with the issues. I pushed out Dawn as early as possible to try to get user feedback to steer Dawn into the right direction. Promise to have Dawn stabilized within a month!
John Milly
Really nice UI, but agree that it's buggy. How do I add events, NOT a to-do item?
Jeff Eisley
Has the ultimate Sunrise replacement finally arrived?
Eric Lee
@jeffeisley Hopefully ;) P.S. Checked out your YouTube channel, subscribed and really looking forward to the content you're going to put out as I've always wanted to see more software review channels than tech/hardware ones!
Jeff Eisley
@hyericlee Thank you! That means alot! I followed you on Twitter & Instagram! I am loving Dawn so far and it has replaced my default calendar app on my home screen and I also plan to do a review sooner rather than later. My only feedback so far is for the color stacking on the month view. Since I don't have a ton of events, every day is very light, so red (the theme in this example) constantly looks like pink, etc. My suggestion would be to, by default, start in the middle of color saturation/brightness and as more events get added for that month, the day that has the most events will become even darker and the days that only have 1 event will become even lighter while everything in between will adjust accordingly. This way we can enjoy the color of theme we selected in a more accurate sense since most people wont have a ton of events but if say we did for a certain month, the color saturation/brightness can expand with those increased events so it's win, win. Anyway, I will be in touch <3
Eric Lee
@jeffeisley Really like the suggestion with the heatmap color saturation! I noticed the issue but haven't addressed it. You've provided a great solution and I'll have it fixed just like that, thanks bud! Keep up the good work :)
Eric Lee
Hello ProductHunt! Thank you everyone for all the support, the development of Dawn has certainly been a real fun journey! My goal is to revolutionize the calendar for it to manage not only events but your entire days. I also believe that the calendar should be designed with beauty and functionality in mind as you’ll be using it every day. 
Feel free to leave any questions or requests and I’ll be sure to align Dawn’s development with it’s users!
 Talk to you soon!
@hyericlee Any chance to be added to the TestFlight?
Omar Trejo
@hyericlee I bought Autopilot some time ago and totally love it. I've also used the free version of Feather but was hesitant to upgrade because it looks like it's been phased out. Would you say Dawn is the successor of Feather?
Eric Lee
@bluespringstn Hi Jason, there are currently no open slots for beta testers but stay tuned as I open more slots from time to time!
Eric Lee
@omtnt Hi Omar, very happy you've been enjoying Autopilot! And yes, I would say Dawn is the successor of Feather as it will be getting almost all of Feather's features as the app gets upgraded. I would recommend not upgrading Feather if you would like to get Dawn. Hope this helps Omar! Please email me at support@enulus.comif you run into any issues with Dawn!
Jamie Martin
iPhone only? :(
Eric Lee
@livejami Hi Jaimie! For now it iOS only, I’m planning on expanding to desktop/web first, then Android. With the support I’m getting so far, there’s no doubt the funding will be enough to allow me to hire an Android dev, thanks for the feedback, stay tuned!
Daniel Eitam
This products looks amazing! Good luck!
Eric Lee
@dadatalks Thank you Daniel! Good day to you!
Brandon Pimentel
I’ve been a huge fan of your work, Eric. However, I can’t help but feel your other application, Feather, to be a bit superior. While I love the UI for Dawn, I would love to see some features or some of the design from Feather implemented in Dawn. I really like how Feather is original and doesn’t stand near as close to any other calendar / todo list in the Apple Store. That being said, I would to see Dawn group Tasks together in the top like Feather to leave space for events of the day. Lastly, I would love to see Projects or Goals be featured in Dawn as well. A journal type feature would be welcomed, but I don’t think it’s really necessary.
Eric Lee
@brandon_pimentel Hi Brandon, thanks for the feedback! I’ll be pushing out a ton of updates that will implement a lot of Feather features and even some that will surpass Feather in functionality. That being said, Dawn will get the Goals feature of Feather real soon. The reason I’ve pushed Dawn out so early is to gain user feedback and make sure I’m building the app according to user needs. Hang tight Brandon, I won’t make Dawn a disappointment ;)
Semira Amiralai
It looks lovely and I'd love to try it before I buy it; alas, that's not possible. I really wish either a trial would be made available or a smaller-scaled version allowing the user to upgrade.
Eric Lee
@semiraamiralai Thanks for the feedback Semira! I’ve encountered this issue with several potential users and is planning to integrate free trials (if Apple doesn’t integrate their own, which they really should). Hang tight, good day to you!
Segun Bash
One question. Does it let me invite people to an event by phone number?
Eric Lee
@sunbash Hi Segun! Currently Apple does not officially allow third party apps to access invitees on events, but there seems to be workarounds. I’m working on this day to day to find a solution and will have it implemented once it is developed. Hang tight, good day to you!
James Dory
Pretty good so far I love it. I purchased it and can’t wait to see it’s development. Counting on it! PLEASE!
Eric Lee
@haitianwatcher Hi James, thanks so much for the support! If you have any issues with the app, please let me know at and I'll personally assist you with the concerns. No worries James, lots of exciting updates and new features are coming to Dawn even just within this week and many more to come in the future. Happy to have you onboard James, good day to you!
Danny Reyes
is there an iPad/Mac app/web version coming up soon?
Eric Lee
@reyesdanny10 Hi Danny, both iPad/Web app are in the planning with the release of iPad version preceding. Thanks for your interest, good day to you!
Joshua Pinter

It makes your existing data beautiful and more approachable. Very nicely done.

Another nice touch is that it cleverly uses a Reminder's notes field to capture subtasks for a reminder. If you add a hyphen "- " at the start of a line in a Reminder's notes, it will add that as a subtask in Dawn. Genius.

Just fucking beautiful.


Design is TIGHT! Syncs with your Calendar and Reminders.


Some might balk at the $3.99 USD price. You shouldn't.

Eric Lee
Hi Joshua, thanks for the positive review! You've discovered one of Dawn's secret features, it's how it's able to backup subtasks to Reminders ;) I'm glad Dawn's design is up to par and has been a great experience, will keep polishing Dawn to remove bugs and add even more features. Wonderful day to you Joshua!
Aliah Borromeo
Just bought Dawn and it really is a beautiful app! The idea of a calender + a to-do list really spoke to me but the design is what sold me. It’s a simple, clutter-free app (the reason why I didn’t want to purchase Fantastical or Calendars by Readdle). Also, adding events is a bit tricky and hidden; hope there’s a simpler way to do this. Maybe you can add the button to switch from to-do/event once you click the + button so you don’t have to edit the time just to change it to an event. Hope this makes sense hahaha. Can’t wait for the new updates!
Eric Lee
@aliah_borromeo Hi Aliah, the reason I developed Dawn was because of my frustrations with existing calendars that just includes too much clutter. The main focus of Dawn will be to be as clean and as functional as possible, nothing more, nothing less! In terms of the difficulty of adding events, I've got a few suggestion similar to yours and I think it's a great idea, will get it implemented in the future updates. Thanks for the feedback, good day!
Nicolo S
I love the design, I bought the app but as a todoist user it's not actually that useful as it is a task manager before a calendar 🙁 maybe in the future you could give more customisation to this end?
Eric Lee
@coconidodev Hi Nicolo, very happy you're enjoying the design! I'm very open to develop the app in line with user suggestions, do reach out to me at, let me know about what calendar features you would like to see implemented, and I'll do my best to get it developed! Thanks for reaching out!
No web view and iPhone/iPad only? DOA for a good number of people. Being a heavy Google Calendar user and a Android user, I am obviously not the target user for this but would've considered it if it was available on other platforms.
Eric Lee
@arthurgd3 Hi Arthrur, Dawn will no doubt be able to expand to become a standalone application that will get android support and 3rd party calendar direct integration in the future (it’s currently possible to add Google calendar through the native Calendar app and it will be synced accordingly). Hang tight, thanks for your feedback!
Segun Bash
Thanks man. Gorgeous app. Pls if anyone knows of a calendar that lets you add ppl by phone number pls let me know. As far as I know gcal and apple cal don’t allow this right now. MOBILE FIRST HUH? Freaking ridiculous.
Segun Bash
Thanks man. Gorgeous app. Pls if anyone knows of a calendar that lets you add ppl by phone number pls let me know. As far as I know gcal and apple cal don’t allow this right now. MOBILE FIRST HUH? Freaking ridiculous.
Jason Hamilton
Looks awesome
Eric Lee
@jason_hamiltonm Hi Jason, thanks so much for the comment! Good day to you!
Nate Davis
1 day in and I like this app a lot. I think 4 bucks is too much though for not having a demo first. I would make that an in app purchase. Any plans to have a mac app?
Eric Lee
@nate_davis Hi Nate, very happy you're enjoying Dawn! I'm planning on implementing a free trial plan into Dawn as it has been a pretty popular request. A Mac app is planned for the future but would like to get Dawn stabilized before extending to other platforms. Thanks for the feedback!