Henrik Lenberg

Auxy - A real music machine for iPhone


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Henrik Lenberg
Hello all product hunters! We're a small team in Stockholm, Sweden, dedicated to building amazing instruments for mobile music creators. About a year ago, we release our first app, Auxy for iPad, which is currently the highest rated music creation app for iOS. Today we're taking the same concept to iPhone, but in a completely redesigned app. We believe that simple tools make people more creative. The new iPhone app has a simplistic interface, just like the iPad app, but it's been refined and we've added some new features. One example is the ability to tweak multiple parameters for each sound. The biggest news is that we've built a completely new sound engine with technology from some of the leaders in digital audio effects and synthesis. We've also had the opportunity to work with producer 7 Skies who has designed all the new sounds and made sure the master effects make your mix sound great. I just published a post on Medium about how we're rethinking mobile music creation for the mobile generation: https://medium.com/@lenberg/how-... Looking forward to hear what you think!
Grant Cottrell
@lenberg i just discovered auxy (where have i been???) it's downright gorgeous thank you _/\_
jack rometty
I love mobile music creation. I can't wait for the first worldwide hit made from a tool like this. Where do you see mobile music creation in 3 years?
Amir Shaikh
I managed to make something that sounded vaguely like music within one minute of opening the app (and i'm absolutely not a musician). It's insane how easy music-making feels with auxy
David Noël
Big fan of Auxy. The first app I was able to easily create my first own electronic tracks (I'm more of a guitar player).
Bruno Nascimento
Cool app! I've dropped music production a while ago because it took too much of time, but I still like to create music occasionally. A mobile devise is perfect for this because of minimum friction. How does Auxy compare to Beatwave, for example?
Henrik Lenberg
@nscmnto would love to hear how you think Auxy compares if you give it a try!
Joshua Pinter
I have an Ableton Push and this reminds me of the simplicity and almost instant intuitiveness of it. Great job.
Patrick Thompson
I just bought this yesterday and I absolutely love it. I haven't even created any of my own sounds yet and I've already had hours of enjoyment messing with the demos.
Filippo Mursia
Really cool UX and sounds, also love that you can export the Midi!
Christopher Patti
Very cool! This reminds me of the old Instant Music program for the Amiga :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In...
Matt McCarty
Wow, this sucked me in for far longer than expected! Great balance of frictionless ease-of-use and enough depth to get funky with it. Definitely has some Ableton vibes to it, but I think just about anyone can jam with this, musical or not. Solid work!!
Olof Mathé
Auxy was the app that got me into making music on my iPad, and I had tried a lot of them before. It's a musical instrument in its own right.
Ben Perreau
So excited about using Auxy, looks great!
Adam Arrigo
Very cool. First mobile app I've seen to really capture the essence of Ableton's session view- something I've always thought was user friendly enough for casual/non musicians. Are you targeting primarily curious non musicians or musicians on the go?
Henrik Lenberg
@radiocurea thanks! We're trying to move away from the idea that music apps has to be for either professionals or amateurs. We see it more like an instrument that can be used by either group and play a different role depending on the skills of the creator. Just like a guitar.
Philip Amour
Have been playing around with it for a bit and it's amazing! I am struggling to find the intro video sample, is it available in the app or somewhere for a download?
Henrik Lenberg
@philipamour the sounds that are used in the video are also available in the app. Could be that they have been slightly edited though.
Before using Auxy I was about to give up on music for a while until I could hire a producer. Let me tell you... Auxy is- and i’m not lying- one of the most important pieces of software I have ever come across that has enabled me to invest in my musical creativity like no other application. I love color and so this app attracted me for the long periods of time needed to make music. I love writing narrative stories. This is like writing stories in your notes app, except you are writing music. It’s like a notepad to get your ideas out very quickly and I love the sounds. I’ve made a lot of music on this and people increasingly compliment the quality. Over the past year (started using this app June 2017) I went from almost music quitter to full on music producer. At least I’d say so. If this app can empower any other musical creatives out there i’d say that is why it’s worth writing this. Anything to tell others how much value this app has provided me with is worth spending time on.