Fang-Pen Lin

Avataaars Generator - A simple avatar generator


Avataaars Generator is a simple web app for generating avatars

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Fang-Pen Lin
Hi guys, I saw @pablostanley posted avataaars on Wednesday, I love it so much and can’t help thinking it would be super awesome if there is a web app for generating avataaars, so that even people don’t have Sketch installed can also use it. With that idea in mind, I spent few nights building this simple web app. You can select the options you want in the dropdown list and the change will be reflecting on the web page, and you can download it as PNG file by tapping on the download button. There are still some nested override options not available currently, such as for now you cannot change hair color or facial hair style, I will add them later. Hope you like it 😁
Ozgur Ozer
@fangpenlin It would be so much better if you use visible pictures instead of selectboxes. You can take a look for inspiration.
Fang-Pen Lin
@ozgrozer that sounds like a great idea, will do, thanks for sharing 😁 πŸ‘
Fang-Pen Lin
Just updated avataaars generator, now you can choose facial hair and the color and also hair color!
Fang-Pen Lin
Just refresh the web page then you can see some new options pops up!
Bruce Kraft Jr.
@pablostanley @fangpenlin could we include goatees, both with chin only and full goatee (like in the style that connects to a mustache)? love the avataar generator!
Ryan Hoover
Feature request: randomize/shuffle option. This could be useful for people creating several non-specific avatars.
Fang-Pen Lin
@rrhoover That's a great idea, will add it soon πŸ˜„ πŸ‘
Fang-Pen Lin
@rrhoover I just added random avatar button, try it out
Ryan Hoover
@fangpenlin amazing! That was fast. :)
Darshan Gajara
Just love how community has got together on this and created bunch of awesome things with what started as a freebie from Pablo Stanley.
Cool, but can't figure out how to get rid of beards on all hair styles. Maybe make beards separate from hair?
Fang-Pen Lin
@ninjinka yeah, there are different beard options available in the original Sketch library, had no time to work on adding it before, but will add it shortly.
Fang-Pen Lin
@ninjinka I just updated the avataaars generator, now you can change beards style! πŸ˜„πŸ‘
@fangpenlin I saw it earlier today, but it seems to be gone again?
Fang-Pen Lin
@ninjinka facial options are only available specific top types, they are available for most of the short hair styles. Maybe try to choose a short hair style and see if it's available? please let me know if you still can't see facial hair style even chosen short hair style
Chris McLean
Great avatar designs! Is it possible to generate random avatar and embed in on the website? It would be cool to use some kind of hash (or email) to get the same random image every time!
Priyank Agrawal
This is awesome and simple to use @fangpenlin Question: Want to use it in my react-native app, can i ? [If yes, is it open source or do you have (or willing make) a npm which i can use ?]
Raja Simon
I thought it will convert image to avataaars
Fang-Pen Lin
@rajasimon ha ha, nope, but that's a good idea, machine learning for the win πŸ€–
Gaurav Mathur

I just saw the Sketch version but it requires me to update Sketch.


Simple !


Can't think of any.

Atta ⚑️
Awesome work πŸ‘ Exactly what I was looking for since last few weeks. Now, I can generate an avatar for my social profiles. Thank you for sharing πŸ™
Fang-Pen Lin
@attacomsian Glad you like it ☺️
Calvin Chu
very easy, but can't change hair color? excited to see more features soon!
Fang-Pen Lin
@calvinchu6 nope, hair color cannot be changed now, but I am working on it right now πŸ˜„
Ali Naderzad
Pretty cool. Lacks age related features
Nathan Windsor
this is sooo good!
This is wow! I wish I could clap (like medium) for making this @fangpenlin
Jianyu Chen
Vijay Selvaraju
Great! I was actually planning to install sketch for making an avatar. You've just made my work a lot easier. Thanks a lot :)
Dmytro Levchenko
It'd be nice to see what exactly "LongHairNotToLong" and other options looks like, before actually picking them. And thanks for sketchless solution πŸ‘
Matheus Menezes

Nice project, saving time and those who don't have Sketch <3


Intuitive and awesome


Can't think any

Priyank Agrawal



Simple and Usefull.


Could be made developer friendly with an API or Open Source.

David Domingues

Definitely bookmarked


One button avatar: awesome!


None seen