Colin Keeley

Avocado πŸ₯‘πŸŽ§ - Create, market and sell audio courses


Create, market, and sell audio courses β€” all in one place. Get a course page live in minutes, collect payments, get deeper analytics, and engage with your learners with our web & mobile apps.

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james Avery
This is a great product and has a lot of room to scale
Colin Keeley
@hirbodbigvand Thanks Hirbod!
Nick Selman
Hats off to the Avocado Audio team for this pivot to something really important & groundbreaking!
Colin Keeley
@nickselman Thanks for the support Nick! πŸ™
Colin Keeley
Hey, Colin here πŸ‘‹ Let’s talk about audio learning. Long before we had the written word, we told stories to teach each other. For generations, we passed down information by word of mouth. Across all eras and in all parts of the world, oral storytelling was how we transmitted information. But things changed. Computer screens were invented and we became trapped in modern offices all day. Sitting in front of a computer became the default way to learn. We were never meant for this. We are not built to sit in front of a computer screen all day. Thankfully audio is making a comeback. AirPods and Alexas are flying off the shelves and making audio consumption easier than ever. The amount of listening time we have has exploded. We are finally returning to our roots of auditory learning. Podcasts and audiobooks are great, but it is time for a new native audio learning format. Enter Avocado. Our mission is to turn your spare listening time into productive learning time. Join us and build your education empire with audio. Your first course is just a few minutes away.
Rich Peterson
@colinkeeley Really promising space (especially with the slow growth of audiobooks and the explosion of podcasts). Love the design of Avocado - have added to
Colin Keeley
@generouswork Awesome appreciate it Rich!
Max Prilutskiy
Looks nice, best of luck! πŸ’―
Colin Keeley
@prilutskiy Thanks Max!
Daniel Gitau
This is massive a step in the right direction
Colin Keeley
@saakush Thanks Daniel!
Dan Safkow
@colinkeeley I tried sending this message to but it bounced back so I'll try here. I create two Avocado audio products and I'm now confused. I was asked to set a price, which I did at $19 each. But from the user side, I don't see any products with prices. I only see the annual and monthly plans that you offer. Please help me understand the disconnect. And it's been a couple of days now and I don't see my products listed. Thanks