Vu Hoang Anh

Avocode for iOS & Android - Inspect PSD/Sketch designs & build pixel perfect mobile apps

This Avocode update allows you to hand-off and inspect Photoshop and Sketch designs, generate Swift, Android, and React Native code from layer styles and export PNG, JPEG and SVG images in any resolution up to @4x or xxxhdpi.

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Vu Hoang Anh
Hello hunters! 😺 We're stoked to announce a new version of Avocode. We built it to cover the "design to mobile code" workflow. Here's just a taste of what you can do with it: - Inspect Photoshop & Sketch designs on Mac, PC, or Linux - Turn layers to Swift, Android, and even React Native code - Scale & export images up to @4x or xxxhdpi - Measure sizes and distances in px, pt, or dp - Export colors in HEX, UIcolor, & HEX8 - Customize code output, hide & reorder its parts To celebrate this new update we're offering you a special 30 days free trial on this link: No credit card required, no strings attached. 🙌 Do you have any ideas how we could make Avocode more suitable for your team's workflow? Let me know in the comments or at Thanks. 😉
Petr Bela
@helloiamvu @avocode Great job guys! Does mobile require a separate account or will it be included with the main Avocode subscription? It's not mentioned on the pricing page. P.S. from companies like Spotify or SalesForce. ... Salesforce is with lower case "f" :)
Matt Roskovec
@petrbela Thanks Petr! Mobile support is 100% included in the main Avocode subscription - so you won't be charged anything extra. We strive to provide all in one tool to cover design to code workflow of web, iOS and Android projects. Thank you for spotting that typo, we'll fix it.
@helloiamvu @4x @avocode Congrats, guys! My only suggestion would be to stop using the phrase "pixel perfect", as that went out the window with responsive design (or so I thought). Otherwise, awesome, be proud of yourselves. :)
Vu Hoang Anh
Thanks @codeslikeagirl Yeah, sorry about that buzzword :) What we're trying to say is that the new update can show you the design in the correct pixel density. Also our measure tool is quite advanced, since it can show you not just sizes and distances between single layers, but for example a distance between one layer and a selection of multiple layers. All in all this allows devs to recreate the design in code to its highest resemblance.
Shai Pal
@helloiamvu @4x @avocode Hi Vu, congrats! I'm kind of confused about the pricing. What do you mean by 10$ per user per month, where you say up to 30 users? If we have 10 developers, do each need to buy an Avocode licence?
Great tool. Does it has any Xcode plugin?
Vu Hoang Anh
Thanks @arasuvel001, We don't have Xcode plugin at the moment - we're trying to be open to all kinds of workflow from design to code - so right now, we're focusing on supporting multiple formats rather than focusing on integrating with specific products.
Kevin Leneway
I'm loving this. Combining Avocode plus UI kits would be a really interesting way to quickly prototype a new app.
Vu Hoang Anh
Thank you @kleneway :) Speaking of UI kits, feel free to check out ours:
Minh Pham
Super exciting!
Hunter Ford
Great job guys! Congrats on the stunning website / really useful tool. Can't wait to use this for my next project.
Vu Hoang Anh
@hford5 thank you! Our team is trying to do their best. Let us know what you think when you try it out. ✌️