Martin Duris

Figma to Sketch converter - Convert any Figma design to Sketch in seconds

Figma to Sketch Design Converter lets you convert, open, and import any Figma design in Sketch. 

- Migrate your design system

- Copy assets between design tools
- Enjoy the time saved on manual work

Learn more about how it works.

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Martin Duris
Hello Product Hunt people! We're excited to announce Figma to Sketch design converter today! Most design formats are not compatible with one another, and it takes weeks and sometimes months to migrate your design system or manually copy assets between design tools. Figma to Sketch design converter does the job in seconds. Simply add your Figma token & design link, and let the magic happen. We're happy that we can close the gap between Figma and Sketch and help you build great digital products faster. And for a limited time, you can convert unlimited Figma designs for free by sharing this magic tool with your community. PS. This tool would not be possible without the Open Design - the dev toolkit to read, change & display data from design files.
Matt Roskovec
This is great! I can imagine this being immensely useful for cross-tool teams and backing up files across formats. 👌
Csaba Kissi
If this really works it would be a game changer for me.
@csaba_kissi We hope so ;) Thanks for your interest. Have you tried it yet? any suggestions for improvements?