**About AYLIEN**
We build ML and NLP driven content analysis tools for developers.
Our latest release, what we call our News API, allows users to search, source and index news content from across the web in real time.
Try it now by building your custom query on our demo page: https://newsapi.aylien.com/demo#...
About our News API
The News API listens to the web to intelligently gather news content from thousands of sources. You choose what you want to monitor, we’ll retrieve the content, index it and extract the data that matters to you and you app.
Keywords - Track keywords in news content
Entities and concepts - Monitor and extract mentions of people, places, organizations
Categories - Hundreds of categories based off industry standard taxonomies (IPTC News Codes and IAB QAG)
Sentiment - Determine whether an article is positive negative or neutral
Trends - Spot trends in real time
Related stories - Uncover related stories and coverages of the same article
Social reach - Determine how popular a story is on social platforms
Use AYLIEN to mine the world’s news for the data that matters to you and your app.
Our customers use our API’s to build intelligent content driven applications and solutions:
Content curation solutions that gather trending and targeted news content
Social media monitoring solutions
Financial monitoring applications that inform both traditional and automated trading actions
News aggregators with automated content tagging and understanding capabilities
Intelligent PR solutions
We want feedback from the PH community. Tell us what you like and dislike about the product and of course, sign up for your free trial: https://newsapi.aylien.com/signup