Create a personalized audiobook for your child in minutes
M Gilang Januar
BabyStoryAI β€” Create a personalized audiobook for your child in minutes
BabyStoryAI is a personalized audiobook for your child. It is created using the latest AI technology to generate a story based on moral values and your objectives.
M Gilang Januar
Sometimes we have no time to tell the bedtime story for our kids. But, this is important to make their creative mind live when they are young. With BabyStoryAI, you can generate a story with your objective and compose it with custom background music and voice to make your baby comfortable to listen to. πŸ‘Ά πŸ’• For further development and if this product gets validation from the market, we will add video-generated content with your control and curated story. And, it will be able to clone your voice for the audio story in the future! 😱 Thank you for always supporting us and making this project land today! 🀘 Happy holiday, everyone πŸ₯³ Update 01/11: now can create video content for your kids! πŸ₯³ πŸš€
M Gilang Januar
@parul_gautam Thank you! 😊
Fajar Siddiq
Nikhil Agrawal
looks interesting, loved the voice & background music. Is this all AI-generated?
Abhilash Chowdhary
Congrats team BabyStoryAI on your launch. Excited to try the product.
Ashi Roy
This is awesome
Nikita Detkov
Well done on the product! Any teasers for the community about your upcoming development milestones or features?
Naveed Rehman
which voice are you using? looks cool 🎊
Interesting! Can it be a little longer?
Congratulations on your launch! 🎊As a mother of four, I constantly need diverse stories for all my kids. ChatGPT has been incredibly helpful. I've tried various kids' story makers, and BabyStoryAI stands out, especially with its audio and multilingual features! I appreciate the upcoming features of voice cloning and video creation. I recently used the voice cloning feature to make personalized story videos with AI for my kids as birthday presents. Believe me, this is one of the most unique giftsβ€”they love it. (I'm referring to kids under 8.) I can't wait for your story video generator!
M Gilang Januar
@zeng Thank you, that's our top priority right now! πŸ₯°
Blessing Oloyo
Hearty Congratulations on the launch of BabyStoryAI!
Wow, BabyStoryAI sounds like an amazing tool for parents! Have you tried it with your kids yet? I'm curious to know how effective and engaging it is for them. Happy holidays to you too! πŸŽ‰
Puri Sujarwati
Nice idea for create babystory
Ghost Kitty
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M Gilang Januar
@sanepara Thanks! 🫑
As a parent, I'm definitely into this app! I witnessed your journey with Automix. Now I hope something good happens to BabyStoryAI as well.
Larry Hartman
What an awesome idea. So cute and helpful. As a less than creative dad, I greatly appreciate it.
eng beshoy
The Suhu
Another awesome product from Gilang πŸ‘πŸ½
M Gilang Januar
@thesuhu Wohoo, thanks bro! 😎
Hani Masood Shareef
Good luck
Hani Masood Shareef
Very good
Ghost Kitty
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