Get detailed information about flight before your flight
Vardan Petrosyan

BackMair — Get detailed information about flight before your flight

We help passengers get detailed information about future flight and give compensation from airlines for delayed, canceled and overbooked flights.
Check detailed information before your flight and make it comfortable!
Vardan Petrosyan
Hello there, Product Hunt! It's BackMair team. We are super excited to share our project with you. Maybe you have come a cross with canceled, delayed or overbooked flight or your plane flue ahead of time or in reception you find out that there is registration fee or water is paid in plain or ..... You can spend your 5 min. before buying ticket, by entering BackMair and check detailed information about your future flight. And also you can check your past flight in order to know can you get compensation from airlines or not. We are open to all of your comments about BackMair. Please share your opinions! If you like the product, you can subscribe us in our website :)
Meruzhan Danielyan
Much needed product, especially during these days of uncertainty, when a lot of flights get cancelled.
Vardan Petrosyan
@meruzhan_danielyan1 Thank you Meruzhan, we will work hard to solve this problems!
Narek Sahakyan
Great idea
Vardan Petrosyan
@narek_sahakyan5 Thank you Narek!