
Backstage for Clubhouse - Record & Replay your CH rooms

Backstage lets CH creators record their rooms & gives them a place to share for replay. Recordings shared on BS include a transcript, making it the first place for the Deaf and HoH community to have easy access to the knowledge shared in CH rooms.

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Espree Devora 🎙
Backstage is a miracle time saver on the internet. Almost feels like a digital personal assistant for audio creators so that we can focus on creating. The AI is amazing. Been using it for a couple months in beta and highly recommend
✎ Andrew Warner
If @espreedevora is using it, then I'm in.
Whitney Lauritsen
I've been using Backstage for almost 2 months. As a podcaster and social media marketer, it has been an incredible tool. I use it to record Clubhouse rooms and turn them into podcasts, which is very easy and pretty much a flawless process. Just copy the CH link into Backstage and it automatically records! Then I download the audio file to post on my podcast* I like the summaries and transcriptions, and the new share features are cool. But honestly, just being able to easily record Clubhouse rooms (for free) is the best part of Backstage. It's definitely given me greater appreciation for Headliner as a company (especially given their commitment to the Deaf and HoH community). * To respect Clubhouse participants, I verbally state that the room is recorded (multiple times during the session) and put 🔴 in the title.
Happy Monday PH. I’m stoked to bring you Backstage today. Backstage has been a labor of love and late nights from the team at Headliner - the biggest platform to create podcast videos. Last year as Clubhouse and social audio began to blow up we were very excited to see audio become a first class citizen of social media. Quickly we realized social audio had an access problem. People were limited by access to platforms, operating systems, time of event, and the ability to hear the conversations going on. Our goal at Headliner is to spread the magic of spoken-word audio across the internet. So we got to work figuring out how we can share the magic of social audio. Enter Backstage. Backstage was born to solve 2 main pain points we kept hearing from an early group of Clubhouse creators: 🔴 Recording In the early days of CH, recording was a hot topic (and still is in some circles) and in most instances was in violation of their community guidelines. As time went on those community guidelines became more accepting of recording - members of rooms just had to be notified they are entering a recorded space. Cool. But...The barrier to record was high, either requiring expensive professional audio equipment or producing low audio quality (screen recordings). We knew we needed to first solve this recording problem and give creators, speakers, and moderators access to their voice after the fact. Within Backstage we built a two click solution to record your room. 1. You enter your clubhouse room or event url 2. Click schedule. That’s it. At the time of your event we’ll record it and have it waiting and ready to share once the event is over. From CH: “On Clubhouse, people must be notified that they are entering a recorded space (you can put it in the room title).“ From Headliner: We take this very seriously and accounts we suspect aren’t following recording guidelines will be suspended. 🤝 Sharing Great, I can record my room but now what? Where do I share it? This was generally the feedback we received from early Backstage users. There was no home that felt right for social audio. Social audio is different - it’s live, not scripted, with frequent room resets allowing ppl to drop in at any time. Many of the things that make social audio special are also what make the listen back experience not so pleasant. Plus, where did the faces go?! We realized how important seeing who was talking helped listeners connect with the audio itself. With the MVP of Backstage pages we wanted to 1. Bring faces back to the audio - speaker images are shown when they are talking 2. Make the recordings accessible to the Deaf & HoH community who have largely been left out - all pages have transcripts 3. Make the recordings more digestible - the full audio is broken up into sections surrounding the same topic. As we build them out further our focus will be on quickly helping creators remove the parts not needed for after the event (think room resets) and only share the best bites of knowledge from the rooms. 🎉 Other Fun Features - Clip creation! - Summarization* - Speaker Separation & Naming - Speaker Images on share pages 🔮 Upcoming Improvements - Improving the share page - Smart Clips using Headliner AI - Opening up to other social audio platforms *Transcription and Summarization are currently English only As we continue building out Backstage I look forward to hearing your feedback ⚡️ bailey
Angelica Williams
I love backstage for CH! It makes it easy to record and get clips to promote our next rooms. It’s also great for building podcast.
Dylan Fox
Very cool product! This will definitely help make recording and sharing a lot easier.
I'm using for recording our clubhouse events, notably - Monday lunch time event - - Friday SkilledUp Life community sessions It's a very easy and amazing solution for the problem I lived with since Jan 2021. Thank you for making this.
Hafiz Akari
Amazing product I can not Believe it is free.
Vincent Chaglasyan
This is great! Very important for cross-platform promotion.
Rhonda Marsh Onstage
Looking forward to trying out this product!!
Peter Buick
If I used Clubhouse, this would be a killer feature! Hoping I can adapt it :-)
City Days
It's an excellent tool for my podcast, and de audio is very good
Vaibhav Puranik
This is a really delightful product. Used it for two of my clubhouse rooms (for Fintech Fridays) and the recording was done amazingly well, unobtrusively and reliably. The transcript works great, the interactive elements (add a name, add a picture) show a lot of care and thought. Great work @baileydrake! Really happy I stumbled upon this via a recommendation by a friend.
@i_vp thanks Vaibhav!
Rob McDowall
Really love the look of this!