
Bail Bloc - Mine cryptocurrency to get people out of jail


Bail Bloc is a cryptocurrency scheme against bail.

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Why would I use my processing power to get people who commit crimes out of jail?
Elvis Wolcott
@lolcoolkat read the link before you say something uninformed
Deyson Ortiz
@lolcoolkat From what I understand everyone in this country is "innocent" until proven guilty no matter their economic level. It is my understanding that this is a way for innocent people to go on with their lives while they await their trial. I could be wrong, but I do not think there is a need for them to suffer just because they can not afford their bail. http://www.thebronxfreedomfund.org
Bail Bloc uses your computer's unused processing power to mine cryptocurrency (Monero). The proceeds are donated to the Bronx Freedom Fund (http://www.thebronxfreedomfund.org/), which helps people who can't afford bail get out of jail.
Joel Aguero
@osmanify any idea who the makers are? This was a big source of initial inspiration for https://producthunt.com/posts/gi... and I'd love to connect with them.