Mubashar Iqbal

Ballpark - Get organized, get paid with smart invoicing & time tracking


Built by an agency, for agencies, Ballpark does more than time tracking and invoicing. Ballpark makes running your freelance business or agency feel effortless with all the tools and data you need in one place. It handles project estimates and budgets, time tracking, invoicing, online payments and cashflow. On top of all that, it's a simple CRM.

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Brennan Dunn
Fantastic work, @jdgraffam & team! I've been following Ballpark over the years, and love what you've done with the new marketing site + product design. We should chat about getting this in front of the Double Your Freelancing audience.
JD Graffam
@brennandunn thanks for the compliment! Ballpark is perfect for serious freelancers who are ready to double their business! Let’s dedinitelt find a way to work together. We could extend the 40% off PH offer to them! Feel free to send them here in the meantime, but let’s also talk about ways to add even more value directly through your channels. I’ll get in touch with you privately, and we can go from there.
JD Graffam
Hi PH! Three years ago, my growing agency Simple Focus ( bought Ballpark from Andrew Wilkinson and MetaLab (you probably know those kittehs because their app Flow was hunted right here on Product Hunt a few Tuesdays ago). Ballpark is for growing agencies of any size (and ambitious freelancers) who need to send estimates, track time, communicate with clients, manage budgets and invoice their customers with a beautiful, simple interface. Two years ago, we started the process of completely redesigning Ballpark. Today, we’re sharing that work with you. With this redesign, we really focused on solving a problem so many agencies (including our own) have struggled with: it’s hard to find a product that can grow with your business over the years. Everything is either too complicated for the small guys or too simplistic for bigger teams. Ballpark is just right: we’ve struck the right balance of features and simplicity for anyone from freelancers who are considering hiring their first employee all the way through to agency owners whose companies are in serious growth mode. Ballpark solves the problems my agency, Simple Focus, had to overcome as a growing creative agency—we know what you need because we need it, too. Since 2008, Ballpark has helped tens of thousands of agency owners and creative professionals run their businesses and we’d love to help you too. Here's some stuff you should know: - We’re offering a great deal for Product Hunters who sign up for a new account—40% off for your first year. Here’s a special sign-up page with the discount already applied: - If switching software sounds like a recurring nightmare to you, we’ll make it easy for you by setting up your account and manually importing your data for you, no strings attached. Just fill out this form to get started: - If you've ever wished you could use an online invoicing app that let you completely customize the look and feel of your invoices, we’ll do that for you, too. Just ask how via our customer support! We’d love to get some feedback, and I’m happy to answer any questions!
Brian Sierakowski
@jdgraffam Really awesome to see this launch, I appreciated the sneak peek way back when :D. Congrats JD!!!
This looks great! How's your international support? Any custom options for EU/German tax rules? If so I'd explore it a bit more...
JD Graffam
@fpocha We support multiple currencies and let you set VAT on invoices and estimates on a line by line basis!
Yoav Anaki
Your marketing site is sublime.
Trevor Hinesley
I used Ballpark a couple years ago for a year or two when I was doing heavy freelancing, and it was invaluable (even did an interview as a customer with you guys back in the day). Glad to hear that the new build is finally out! Great team behind this. The new site looks awesome!
Rebecca Garcia
Looks great! @jdgraffam Question about the PayPal (and Stripe) fees option is it legal? I believe it may be against PayPal's TOS: