- bb003 - Snippet for Christmas
German Podcast - Time Management & use of Todo Apps
Danny Giebe - BB008 - Passion, Passion, Passion - Hackathon Sideproject, Apple App Improvements & iTunes — German Podcast - Hackathon Sideproject, Apple Apps, iTunes

Jake Crump
"Passion is what we once again brought together for a new podcast episode. This time there are Henning, Jan and Danny and we start with a simple question: Telephone yay or nay? However, we realized that we all have different workflows to make phone calls and also different views on the need for phone calls. This is followed by a brief status update to the avid Break intentions, as well as a follow up on the topic Filter Bubble and the introduction of the Twitter algorithm. We had to recognize that our own filter bubble is not the measure of all things. Just as some Apple apps now. Furthermore, there was increased lately reports and we are talking about errors, improvements and wishes for the native Apple apps supplied, all ahead of iTunes and Mail. Also wishes to iOS10 regarding Siri, News and defined standard apps are discussed. As already announced on Twitter and Facebook played on weekends our Hackathon for Passion Project place and we talk about the hurdles and stumbling blocks that we met and on the first progress we achieved in the art, as well as in the design process. What we built exactly and how it goes on, you learn in the episode. Finally, the picks of Jan and Danny follow the Quartz Messaging News App and Principle for Mac, for UI animations."