Stuart Blitz

Codex Scanner by Baron Fig - Hashtag, back up, and share your notes and photos.


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Adam Kornfield
Hey everyone, co-founder Adam here. Joey and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the best way for us to create the app our users were asking for. Eventually we concluded building it in-house was the best way. With full control we can react to feedback and make updates much more rapidly. Just under 1 year ago we decided to send me to a coding bootcamp here in NYC (TurnToTech) to learn iOS. I did 4.5 months of bootcamp while still helping the team run Baron Fig's full analog business! I finished in June 2016 and have been making and improving the app for the last 6 months. Hope everyone enjoys Codex. We're going to be improving it constantly over time. I appreciate everyone and all the support in the past on Product Hunt!
Joey Cofone
Hey Product Hunters, good to be back. Codex is our new app designed based on feedback from our analog notebook customers. As more notebooks are filled up, the struggle becomes one of finding where that particular note or sketch is. Codex isn't just a scanner, it's your notebook (and, if you like, your photo/document) library. Everything is organized by hashtag, which is particularly useful for notebooks because of the myriad of content we have on any one page. Rather than have to decide which folder a page goes in you can add as many tags as you like. Example: A webpage wireframe and logo idea sketch on the same page—simply tag the page as #wireframe and #logo rather than select a single folder. This version has been in-use here at Baron Fig for a while now, we're excited to push it live. It's already made my notebook shelf much more accessible (it's all in my pocket now), and the features we have planned are exciting. We chose to go with a subscription because we're a small team providing constant updates and customer service. We don't plan to set it and forget it. As always, feel free to send feedback. We'd love to hear the *good* and the bad, this way we not only know what to improve, but what we're doing right. Hope you all enjoy.
Francesco D'Alessio
@joeycofone It's a really neat idea. With the hashtag organization things get exciting, it's a feature I loved in @BearNotes and though it worked great!
Joey Cofone
Francesco D'Alessio
I create a review of Codex on iOS --
It's a neat way to organize your documents that the other apps don't have.
Adam Kornfield
@francescod_ales A great video! You make some amazing video reviews, keep it up!
Joey Cofone
@francescod_ales Francesco, thanks for the solid review. Glad you dig it. We can't wait to take Codex to the next level.
Raad Ahmed ⚔
Awesome work guys! And very impressive Adam :)
Adam Kornfield
@r44d Thanks Raad! LawTrades has been good help on way!
Andreas Duess
Looks very nice. I would have appreciated pricing information upfront on the product page. I am not sure I am open to adding yet another subscription.
Joey Cofone
@andreasduess Andreas, thanks for the feedback. Definitely something we're going to improve upon. 👍
Ginny To
Very helpful for a messy & forgetful person like me. My notes are normally everywhere in the camera rolls and most of the time I forgot where I left them. Great way to keep my notes organized and handy!
Adam Kornfield
@truc_to Thanks Ginny! That's our goal to help organize your notes and other content. We love getting feedback and working to improve the app release by release!
Love this one! I need to update my post and include Baron Fig on this list: ... oh wait, I did write about their notebooks a while back as well: As much as I love digital... I do love physical notebooks...
Joey Cofone
@8bit John, thanks for the props! Love your post—glad you dig the name Confidant.
AJ Adams
@adamkornfield @joeycofone when is that Evernote sync coming down the pipe? Scannable seems to accomplish the same goal (for free) but fits a more flexible workflow. Where do y'all see the value prop evolving for Codex to compete with free services like Scannable?
Jenny Chu
Firstly, I absolutely love Baron Fig - beautiful and amazing notebook and I always welcome new apps that will sort my very disorganised life. I am a little skeptical/confused about this app though. I understand that the premise of it is that you can sort all of your notebooks AND it is a scanner. Then you say you can add photos and other multi-media into it, the value proposition starts getting confusing to me. As someone that already uses Evernote (which has great scanning capabilities, actually), Google Drive (the search capability is pretty good here too) and iCloud, I like to avoid overlap in my apps - so why would someone who has those apps (most people who like organising would) use yours? It's also quite interesting because the tool I am trying to build is similar in concept that we use hashtags, not folders. Funnily enough, I showed it to so many people and they often say that hashtags are great, but they still require another level (either project/folder/notebook) to sort out files as hashtags do not work that well once they have a LOT of notes. Something to think about? Anyway, I do like the concept and I really am trying to find a new way to sort out all the damn notes I have and there's no perfect solution yet. Keen to see what else will come out of it!
Haoyang Feng
Love Baron Fig but I think it would be beneficial to have a free tier, especially since there're many other products in this space with free tiers.