I've been following maker Joey & the Baron Fig team for awhile with their painstakingly thoughtful products.
Joey is an exceptional designer. But more than that - he's an exceptional thinker with perception that slices through reality.
I'm glad The Haiku project has been realized. It celebrates goodness in the world.
Spend a minute.
Make something beautiful
With people you've never met
From places you've never been
To produce something you couldn't have planned.
@marcojelli Marcus, thanks for the share. Glad you like the project. It's currently in beta, but we had to solve a lot of interesting issues to get this far—specifically how to make sure people aren't waiting too long for haikus to populate. Major props to our Baronfig dev, Peter.
One of the first backers of Baron Fig and @joeycofone ... I love your well designed and mindful creations. Thanks for shining some extra light into my day with haiku collaboration. :)