
Bartender 4 - Take control of your menu


Bartender lets you organize your menu bar icons, by hiding them, rearranging them, show hidden items with a click or keyboard shortcut and have icons show when they update.
Bartender 4 is our biggest update yet, specifically created for macOS Big Sur.

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I've been using Bartender since v3 in 2017. It's a great little app to hide and show apps in your menu bar.Bartender 4 is specially for Big Sur users and is currently free on beta until further notice. It's great to see devs who are fast to update and support users on the Big Sur Beta as well as maintaining their single fee pricing. There are a lot of tools I use daily that should really just be built into Mac OS; Pixelsnap and Cleanshot, Cloudflare VPN, Little and microsnitch and mate translate to name but a few. I love them but they don't have settings to be hidden in the menu bar (Moom is the only app as far as I know). So things get cluttered fast.