Nick Abouzeid

Base - Improve your diet, stress & more with at-home lab testing


At-home lab testing that’s empowering you to improve your sleep, stress, diet, and more with insights into your body’s data through key indicators: blood and saliva. Get science-backed recommendations in nutrition, daily habits, and vitamin regimen.

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Lola Priego
Hi Hunters! 👋 I’m Lola, the founder of Base. I started working on Base after going through my own exhaustive journey of trying to figure out how to beat my low energy and midday brain fog. First, I changed to a Keto diet after I’d read how effective it was for my symptoms. When I didn’t see any improvements I decided to go to the doctor for help. After endless questionnaires, 2 visits to the doctor’s office in the middle of the workday, and one to the lab– 1.5 months later, I got my results back. I had hormonal imbalances on top of cholesterol problems due to my diet. This experience, along with my short stint at Med school (opting to leave to pursue engineering), and a background working at Amazon, Facebook/Instagram, and a med tech startup, was the catalyst for me starting Base. At the core of Base, we’re a team of engineers, data analysts, product developers, and brand marketers who care about changing the way we learn about our bodies. We want you to have access to your body's data so you can start understanding how to eat, sleep, and pick the routines that make you feel great. Meet Base. 🚀 At-home lab testing that’s empowering you to track and improve everyday issues like fatigue, stomach sensitivities, sleep quality, weight gain, brain fog, libido, and more with insights into your body through key indicators: blood and saliva. 💸Affordable testing and results→ tests are sent to your home, results go directly to your phone in days. 👩‍🔬Get answers to your symptom’s root causes→ our team of scientists & data analysts to provide valuable insights into your results. 📊 Data-driven in-app improvements→ personalized recommendations, sourced from thousands of clinical studies, for your diet, lifestyle habits, and supplement regimen. 📱Your full support system→ customized testing plans that evolve with your needs over time. I would like to offer the Product Hunt community 20% off your first month. You can use the code PH20 at checkout or click this link: I’d love to hear your feedback! I’m here to answer any of your questions, ask me about: -How the recommendations work -Do you have a web app/android app -Our science and doctor teams -How accurate it is the finger-prick or saliva collection Thank you Product Hunt community~ 🙏
Jorge Ferreiro
Wonderful UI, brilliant idea! I met Lola when I was in NYC in 2019 and i've been a huge fan of the product and Lola since then. The only thing I don't like about Base is that is not available yet in Spain!!!! 😜 Keep it up team!
Lola Priego
@jgferreiro Thanks Jorge! Coming soon to Spain :)
Marianella Mace
@lola_priego I live in Spain as well and I was really excited to get it today :( I hope it can come soon this way!
Lola Priego
@marianella_mace1 noted! We hope we can get to serve you as soon as possible. What tracks or focus areas are you interested in?
Marianella Mace
@lola_priego ummm all of them! haha When I took the test the one that stood out was stress, which totally makes sense. But I would opt in for diet, sleep and energy as well!
Lola Priego
@marianella_mace1 :) great to hear! Thanks for your feedback
Bogdan Ionita
Looks neat! I assume it's not available overseas, but I'd hope to see more of it. It does cater to timing issues people have in measuring health indicators regularly. Congrats on the launch
Lola Priego
@bogdan_ionita Thanks! We hope expand outside of the U.S. by 2022 maybe earlier :)
Rick N.
Looks great! I'm a huge fan of the branding and the short/sweet promo video. I like how the video clearly and quickly tells you who your market audience is and the value prop messaging gets across easily. It leaves your audience wanting to learn more!
Lola Priego
@rickn Thanks, that’s good feedback. We definitely struggled to find a crisp way to communicate our mission and how are we doing it in a way that’s easy to understand. The team is happy to hear that we managed to get our point across ;)
Rosa Jiménez Cano
I'm really interested in testing it.
Lola Priego
@petezin Thanks Rosa! We love seeing consumers excited about this type of product. We are 100% committed to help people feel better with data!
Daniela Passos
Hey Lola! Really beautiful UI, awesome idea! I have always wanted to have access to something like this and this affordable. Proud to see more Girls in Tech with awesome products 🎉
Lola Priego
@danielamoitinho Thanks Daniela! We teamed up with Human NYC for the design! Our goal is to make lab testing and recommendations easy to understand in addition to motivate consumers to work on their health! We get that it's hard and that's why we are trying to make it as fun, as engaging and, as beautiful as possible!
Ken Savage
Hi @lola_priego and congrats on the launch. How long are the samples that I send back to you (blood and saliva) good for in the mail?
Lola Priego
@kensavage Hey Ken, this is a great question! Both are good with the preservatives added in the collection materials for 3 days guaranteed if they are *not* in a cooled environment. Typically blood, using Dried Blood Spot collection method can hold for more than 3 days outside of the fridge. This study is a good reference for DBS (dried blood spot) although it doesn't go too deep into environmental preservatives
Lauren Cucinotta
I've done the Base test and it's such a great idea and so needed in wellness - it goes beyond me just taking a blood test and taking no concrete action. I feel like I actually have more knowledge and control over my body and know what to do next to improve my health in an empowered way. Go Base team!
Lola Priego
@lauren_cucinotta thanks! It's our mission to match people results with clinical trials and evidence to help people improve with a data-driven approach. It's also a core value for us to make this fun with scores and deliver the personalized content over time directly to your app
Ryan Chaliff
This looks pretty interesting. I've tried a similar product called Viome before and found that the diet recommendations were still pretty basic and generic. Do you guys have any sample reports so that users can see what to expect before ordering the test?
Lola Priego
@ryanchaliff good point! I did Viome as well about 2/3 years ago and the recommendations were not great. I think something to keep in mind is that there are not many clinical trials or evidence out of gut microbiome, therefore, building recommendations on top of those results are hard. The feedback loop for microbiome is also very slow unlike blood! As per the sample report, you can checkout an app demo here: - the team is working on a PDF sample report and I can make sure they send a copy as well!
Pawel Lubiarz
This might really help to determine a healthy lifestyle - great idea!
Lola Priego
@pawellubiarz that was one of the key drivers for me to found Base. What is considered healthy -> keto, was not really healthy for me. Other things that you consider them to have really negative impact (coffee), they didn't have that effect on me at all. Having access to something like this will help people determine what diet, supplement and lifestyle works for them
Abhi Muthiyan
This is a good concept. I followed through the sign up process. Then the 5 different categories of sleep, energy, stress etc. confused me. IMO, they all go together, so testing only one may not help. I have questions about the science. Seems like Quest is running the same tests that my doctor runs. I would like to see more information about how this is different. What are the algorithms I read one of the response from Lola about tracking circadian rhythms. How is that being tracked, if I am providing one sample in a month or quarter?
Lola Priego
@abhi_muthiyan Happy to go over these. - For some people tracking one area at a time help them reduce costs and things to do. E.g. if you have no concerns with your sleep but you are vegetarian being focused on nutritional deficiencies would result in a more affordable and easy user experience. - We actually have access to a full test menu, as your doctor, given that we work with Quest. Typically doctors send their samples to the same labs that we do. Note that we also have doctors on the team. - For the circadian rhythms we start by looking into how your Melatonin levels evolve throughout the day - About the frequency, we suggest monthly if you foresee implementing nutritional, supplemental and lifestyle changes often. Otherwise do quarterly. Note that you have an optional onboarding 15 mins call after receiving your first results where we adjust this based on your profile an initial results. You can also adjust it from the app whenever.
Lola Priego
@abhi_muthiyan happy to continue to answer further questions as well! These help me understand different use cases so we can keep improving our services
Lola Priego
@parisa_mosadegh thanks for your feedback! If you ever consider giving it a try or giving us feedback we are always here to answer your questions :)
Jesse Boyes
This looks so good!
Lola Priego
@jexe Thanks! Trying to keep the UI beautiful while making it performant and informative ;) As per the product, happy to have a solid version to go to market with
Rachel Sanders
Congrats on launch! Excited to try out the sleep tracking!
Lola Priego
@rsopsanders thanks Rachel! Excited for you to try our at-home lab testing kits :)
Pedro Álvarez-Tabío
Congrats on the launch! Super excited to see where this goes, and eager to get a test done sometime soon :)
Lola Priego
@peteratt thanks! We can't wait to keep scaling while honing in a great experience for our customers.
Guillaume Orain
Base is 🔥🔥🔥 I've used 3 of the standard tests and was able to make some impactful changes every time thanks fo the actionable insights provided in no time. What other solution comes even close to this today? Going to the doctor to be prescribed a test to go get blood drawn to go back to the doctor.. what a waste of time and money! thank you @lola_priego and team for this amazing product and congratulations on the launch!
Lola Priego
@glmorain thanks! It's an honor to be able to serve consumers that don't have the time to go to the doctor office and use technology to make this process more efficient and accessible. Taking care of your health and identify nutritional and vitamin deficiencies should be easy!
Galina Ozgur
@lola_priego Congrats on the launch on PH, Lola! I love that you can take control of your health with Base and arm yourself with the right data to ask the right questions. With the way testing is set up right now, we as patients have a myopic view into changes happening in our bodies. Doctors in the hospital system are prisoners to time allocation. I hope Base gets to transform this experience for all of us, where we can gain access to our health data in a holistic way - and demystified!
Lola Priego
@galinaozgur thanks! Our dream is to truly disrupt healthcare and introduce continuous monitoring (testing) while putting people in the driver seat of their health.
Cristóbal Chao
Congrats on the launch! Love the concept and idea, especially during these uncertain times. Could we use Base to know whether or not we got the antibodies? Also, the idea of having all my health data in once place seems super useful, very cool! Excited to see more
Lola Priego
@cristobalchaog thank you. Right now we are not doing Covid testing as we believe those tests should be free or fully covered by all insurance. However, if we see a high demand from our subscribers as they build a relationship with us we can reconsider :)
Bob Troia
I had the opportunity to try out Base's service while they were in beta. Collecting and mailing in blood samples from home via finger prick test kits was super-convenient, and had my results within a week. While I do more extensive (blood, saliva, stool, etc.) lab testing than the typical person (i.e., check out my site, developing an action plan based on all of these markers can prove overwhelming to many. Base simplifies the process by giving you just a few action items each month (specific supplements, etc.), then retesting to see if your panels are moving towards a more optimal state. All at an affordable price. Excited to see how their service evolves!
Lola Priego
@bobtroia thanks for the feedback and sticking with us as we continued to improve our services!
Utku Dora Özdemir
Congrats on the launch! Such an exciting concept with an easy to digest User Interface. Excited to see how about my body metrics change over time
Lola Priego
@utkudora thanks! Hope to see them change in a positive trend ;)