Maximilian Fleitmann

Investor Pitch Training - Practice your pitch with 200+ real investor questions


When raising capital you want to improve your pitch deck and practice for your next investor pitch with real questions. With our free Investor Pitch Training you will nail your next pitch!

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Maximilian Fleitmann
Hey Product Hunt Community ๐Ÿ–โค๏ธ My name is Max, and I'm an entrepreneur based in Germany. Over the past few years, I have been passionate about pitch decks as they are the one challenge every entrepreneur will face on his/her journey. I have made the experience myself, that during the raise of capital you will always get the same type of questions with regards to your business. They can help you understand where you have to improve. Either in your presentation or also in the business itself. That is why we decided to built the Investor Pitch Trainer - a tool you can use to train for yourself without doing it in a real investors meeting. ๐Ÿ‘‰ 200+ Questions ๐Ÿ‘‰ From Real VC and Angel Investors ๐Ÿ‘‰ 100% Free ๐Ÿš€ Start practicing for your next pitch today! I hope you enjoy this resource and get some value! Let me know any feedback you may have! All the best, Max
Michael Sieb
@maximilian_fleitmann this is absolutely awesome and so much needed!๐Ÿ˜Š Let's see if I can get through all the questions in one day. ๐Ÿ˜…
Maximilian Fleitmann
I feel you. Real life is better!
Maximilian Fleitmann
Thank you!!!
Matthew  Gramovich
Cool idea! Who reviews the presentations, what is their experience in fundraising? Maybe you have discounts on pitch decs reviews for your Product Hunt colleagues? :)
Maximilian Fleitmann
@matvey_gramovich Hey, sure just send me over a quick email at and i will sure you'll get the discount! We are reviewing the presentations and have experience raising money, investing money and helping other founders do it for quite some time.
Julian Droste
Sure, just email me!
Matthew  Gramovich
@basetemplates @julian_droste Done, sent you both a letter. And one more quesition about privacy. We have some sensetive info in our presentation, how many people will see it? Do you look through data room?
Julian Droste
@basetemplates @julian_droste @matvey_gramovich Only Max and I will have access to the file and everything you send us is covered by our NDA.
Matthew  Gramovich
@basetemplates @julian_droste @matvey_gramovich Okay, cool! Expect purchase from me next week and thanks for the discount :)
Sean GoรŸler
Love that product! It really helps to strengthen the investor readiness. Especially for people without access to a network of investors or mentors to talk to, this can be very useful! Thanks Max!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@seangossler Thank you so much Sean!
Eugen Ackermann
Thanks for your amazing work. It's a perfect preparation to get a better feeling for the next investor pitch!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@eack Thanks Eugen!
Sina Sadegh
Thatยดs a super helpful tool to prepare for your next pitch Events - thx for sharing!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@sina_sadegh Thank you to hear that from somone who knows the scene very well!
Csaba Kissi
Great product Max. Youโ€™re going to release every month.
Maximilian Fleitmann
@csaba_kissi Hopefully!
Marvin Offers
Love it!!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@marvin_off Thanks Marvin!
Dan Siepen
Max youโ€™re a machine! This is awesome content! Getting it right now. Smart product actually with the questions to prepare for. Awesome work man ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™Œ
Simon Blok
Cool! These questions in themselves are worth thinking about. Even if you don't need an investor. So thanks!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@simonblok This is what i was thinking myself. Thanks!
Bogdan Ionita
Loving this, thanks a lot!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@bogdan_ionita I thank you for this great feedback!
Giacinto Carlucci
Really like the idea! Also great work with having this little tool with pitch templates, you rock!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@giacintocarlucci Thank you Giacinto!
Julian Droste
@giacintocarlucci Thank you Giacinto!
Slava Kalevich
Nice job! Will be very usefull for founders to practice with real investors:)
Maximilian Fleitmann
@eagleglance Yeah. I think so too! Thanks!
Steph Nass
Valuable idea, simple product, clean execution!!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@stephnass Thank Steph!
Eike Jan Diestelkamp
awesome, i love it! Thank you very much!!!
Julian Droste
@eikejandiestelkamp You are welcome! Thank you for your feedback.
Dany Chepenko
Great work, guys! Appreciate your effort
Julian Droste
@daniel_chepenko Much appreciated! Thank you for supporting us!
TRINITY ROBBINS sounds fun.............
Julian Droste
@trinity_robbins We hope you like it!
Szczepan Serwatka
Great job! it will be really helpful. It will be like practicing before the interview. Good Job!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@szczepan_serwatka Practice beats talent ;)
Wow, awesome idea. Practicing in front of my girlfirend or parents has lost it's value. :D Seems like the preparation we all need. Thanks! @maximilian_fleitmann
Maximilian Fleitmann
@maximilian_fleitmann @jk31 Thank you so much Josch!
Colin Matsinhe
Great thanks!!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@colin_ Thanks Colin!