Erik Torenberg

Beak - Measures how "smart" your tweets are


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Jason Crawford
It's breaking for me. :o( (β€œWe're sorry, something went wrong.”)
Jason Crawford
@johnnylin Cool, thanks. When I typed my own handle into the input box on the main page, I just got an error page.
Interesting - came out with this today:
Erik Torenberg
my twitter stats: "6th grade level Smartest Tweet: your gonna be left on a NJ street corner in the rain with 500+ linkedin connections wondering where it all went wrong with a grade level of 13.0 Un-Smartest Tweet: you're all set Arshad :) with a grade level of 3.1"
Ryan Hoover
Apparently I'm a 6th grade tweeter. I tweet good.
Jason Crawford
I am amused that @BoredElonMusk ranks β€œsmarter” than @elonmusk.
hey, i built this on july 4th. it analyzes the grade level of a twitter account by using the SMOG readability index and tells you your "smartest" and "un-smartest" tweets. there's also a leaderboard. enjoy your beak scores!
sorry guys, hitting some twitter API limits. gimme a sec to fix. edit: should be good now
Ashley Laurel
I'm at a 6th grade level too. Unfortunately it counts my replies, which are usually less articulate than my original tweets.
Brent Chow
7th grade! I do tweet a lot about emotional middle school breakups during recess. Haha so entertaining!