Kevin Hale

Spectacle - Magazine

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Ryan Hoover
Congrats, @ilikevests. As the founder of Wufoo and former YC partner, others probably expected you to build a pure software product. Why start a physical magazine?
Garry Tan
Talk about shaking up an old file cabinet industry! This one happens to be super important because sci fi is lots of creators actually think through what the future could actually be like. I'm really psyched to see what Kevin and Danny put together here.
Kevin Lou
Love the illustrations and blend of speculative fiction! I'll have to pick one up for myself. 👍
Jeremy Bauer
Yeah, that art is killer ⚡️✨
Kirill Zubovsky
Subscribed! Got to admin, I am not sure this is quite my world, but very much looking forward to explore and to find out. Do we really have to wait so long? :) Good luck, Kevin!
Sydney Liu
Love this! Amazing domain as well. With YC, you had a system for how you'd evaluate and discover gems in the rough. Curious how you're thinking about the content curation process (especially when taking submissions) or if you have some heuristics already. What are you looking for? With Commaful, we had some editorial influence early on and found that there was often a tradeoff between creative or literary genius vs. what would be popular with the mainstream audience and get shared all over the web. How are you putting yourself in front of the best illustrators and creators and convincing them to submit (vs. to a more well known pub or lit mag)? A big barrier most new literary magazines run into.
Pame Valdés
Congrats!!! So excited for this. I am a huge believer, because I believe that old industries like publishing are in great need of innovation! (That's part of why I'm building Beek). What are you guys most excited about with this new venture?
Rehman Merali
Looks like a fantastic product!
Tobias Eichenwald
*drool* - Beautiful art work, fonts, color palette. Very excited for you guys!!! :) Will you be working with changing artists for different pieces or do you plan to have a team in house?
Yuri Sagalov
Subscribed! I've been looking forward to a magazine that speaks my language for a while now :D
Doktor Gurson
Looks awesome! I just subscribed and can't wait to get it.
Pame Valdés

Kevin and Danny are amazing.... I'm so excited for this product!


Made by awesome people


None really


Nice pre-holidays selfpresent!


Curated fiction/scifi (with open submissions) is awesome


Waiting until feb for the first issue


Can't wait for it to come out. All I know is that if Kevin and Danny are involved it'll be pretty rad.


Illustrations are beautiful.


We have to wait until February.

Jonah Greenberger
Super exciting! I’m so excited for my first copy. How will you guys determine what topics to cover going forward?
Michael Nusimow
Making Magazines Great Again!
Jim Knutt
beautiful magazine, looking forward to the first issue!
Evan Stites-Clayton
yas! Thank you so much for creating this.