Beef Wiki
The world's largest database of beef in music
Beef Wiki — The world's largest database of beef in music
Beef Wiki is the world's largest collection of beef in music. Discover some of the most historical lyrical showdowns, and the least memorable, between two emcees (or musicians/artists as the case may vary) from the 1940's to present day.
If you're into music and data as much as I am then you'll get a kick out of Beef Wiki. Beef Wiki is the result of not being able to find one centralized data source for instances of beef in music. Wikipedia has a short list, Genius has some listed on forums and hidden in annotations, and YouTube as a few playlists. With that being said, there was no way to search through specific artists, see relations with other artists, and to easily view the most recent beefs along with historical ones. So, of course I did what anyone else with free time would do and build it. As of writing this (13/12/19), Beef Wiki possesses roughly 750 instances of beef and this is continuing to growing. My oldest record of beef in music is between Woody Guthrie and Irving Berlin in 1945 on the track, “This Land Is Your Land”. While 2018 was the most active year of Beef in music with 62 recorded instances. Beef can be positive for both artists and fans. Like any sport or job, it brings a good level of competition to the musical culture. Beef entices artists to deliver their best while simultaneously boosting record sales, and it gives fans the ammunition to create hilarious memes and Internet content for all to happily retweet. Beef is an underrated musical event that should occur more often. Whether it’s fuelled by personal feuds or friendly competition, it’s great for music. Enjoy!