Art Text is graphic design software specifically tuned for lettering, typography, text mockups and various artistic text effects. Supplied with a great variety of ready to use styles and materials, selection of textures, icons, fonts and backgrounds, specially designed effects and shape transformations, Art Text guarantees striking appearance of your badges, logos, cards, flyers and presentations.
Thank you Kevin for the great hunt!
We are proud to present Art Text 3 for Mac, a graphic design tool for artistic experiments such as lettering, typography, title art and various artistic text effects. We believe that designers’ work doesn’t always have to be meticulous and exhausting, so we did our best to help you get impressive results with much fewer efforts.
We'd love to hear any feedback about the app and will answer any questions you might have 😊
This looks fantastic, can't wait to try it out. What is the licensing situation for the fonts that are being used? Can this be used for commercial purposes like making logos?
@kleneway Art Text uses macOS system fonts, as well as provides access to Google Fonts. Commercial use is allowed for Google Fonts.
According to macOS Sierra License Agreement:
“Fonts. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you may use the fonts included with the Apple Software to display and print content while running the Apple Software; however, you may only embed fonts in content if that is permitted by the embedding restrictions accompanying the font in question. These embedding restrictions can be found in the Font Book/Preview/Show Font Info panel.”
Reminded me for a moment of the early days of photoshop when Kai's powertools arrived and you could bevel and extrude.But my memories aside. Art text looks like a LOT of fun and beautiful attention to the effects available. Good work guys. 👍🏻
The product's avatar looks like WordArt invading MacOS! :D Or some hipster designs. Overally though video is very promising! May be a good substitute / supplement to canva.
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