Share video, honestly. A new app by Casey Neistat.
Emiel Janson

beme — Share video, honestly. A new app by Casey Neistat.

Ryan Hoover
I love love love @caseyneistat's Snapchat feed, YouTube videos, and Vine videos. It's interesting to see him (a "new media celeb") move into product. I have yet to try the app but it's clear that it's focusing on participation (something @benrbn from Meerkat has talked a lot about and demonstrated with their launch of Cameo. Here's another article about the app by @MikeIsaac in the NYT.
Ben Rubin
@rrhoover I wish I could get in and play with it :-) Beme is trying to create a new habit, and usually that's a key for building a meaningful medium. Can't wait to play with it!
@benrbn @rrhoover Ben, you got that invite yet, otherwise I'll happily DM you one on twitter?
Joe Ringenberg
@rrhoover Thanks for capturing this! I wonder if they tried other interactions - the two-hand requirement is definitely a weak spot, and an accessibility woe. Perhaps something like the 'kudos' hover target on Svbtle? Though you need the ability to tap to get the rapid fire multi-reactions (I assume that's what we're seeing here).
Josh Cohen
@sleinadsanoj @rrhoover Anyone have an extra invite?
Justin Jackson
@rrhoover just tried it out. You definitely have to watch the video above to figure out the basics. Not intuitive out of the box. I'm `mijustin` if anyone wants to hang out!
Owen Williams
Have been trying this for the last hour or so and am finding it hopelessly addictive. I think the app will do well - it really just forces you to share the raw moment without the normal positioning that comes with social media. I was skeptical, but the app blew me away. A quick look:
Emiel Janson
@ow I was just about to add your article. 👊
Thomas Griffin
@ow I assume you know how the invites work?
Owen Williams
@thomasle0n @ow Yeah, the invites are either a queue, or if you know someone you can get a code. Even Casey admitted it's a pain, but I can see how they're using it to try and grow.
Jason Zook
Spent a few minutes "beme-ing" my coffee making experience this morning. It's the first time I've felt like I didn't know what I was doing with an app (but not in a bad way). Using the proximity sensor to record is super interesting and I'm sure they'll perfect it. Beme feels really unique, even in its infancy. If nothing else, I greatly admire @caseyneistat AND his team for trying to bring authenticity, transparency, and imperfection to the social landscape. In a time where we all are guilty of taking 14 photos to find the right one to share, this is a refreshing change. Also, happy to share unlock codes if people want to send me DMs on Twitter (same username there).
Jason Zook
@iwearyourshirt replying to myself.... I'm apparently already out of unlock codes. Here's how you guys can easily find an unlock code: 1. Download the beme app 2. Click to add your unlock code 3. Open Twitter app 4. Search "beme" and view "Live" results 5. Lots of people tweeting unlock codes every 20 seconds or so 6. Copy + paste code into beme BOOM!
Jason Zook
@amphotostudio wish I'd seen that earlier, I could have found some great ones on Google to send to those idiots!
Brian Jordan
@iwearyourshirt this worked for me—Twitter Live wasn't quite fast enough, a TweetDeck search stream did the trick though. Smooth invite flow overall, they're using Branch Metrics for code tracking and deep link handling.
@iwearyourshirt I took this to its natural conclusion and wrote a small web app that grabs only the latest shared codes and shares them with anyone connected to the app over websockets
Ryan Holiday
Have been on for about 3 weeks and am an advisor. Can send codes to a handful of people/friends if you want to email me.
@ryanholiday what email address should we email?
Amanda Hill
@ryanholiday I'd love a code! Email?
Jackson Dahl
@kevinfischer you have any invites? 😁
Jack Shalom
@ryanholiday can you send over a code please?
Prateek Sharma
@kevinfischer would love to get an access code. Any left?
Adam O'Kane
It's early to make too many big statements about this product and how it could fit into the social landscape, but one thing I like is that it's so distinctly a product by Casey Neistat. The voice and aesthetics are so uniquely him. I don't say that to minimize beme's team's contributions and hard work, but it just brings to mind his videos and individual style. The other thing I want to give them props for is their unique UI. It'll take a bit before it can really be judged, but they should get credit for building something totally new, and not leaning too much on the UI of existing apps.
Ouriel Ohayon
Ok. I am in. How I have not managed to figure how to shoot a video. Did I miss something?
Allan Yarmulnik
@ourielohayon Hold the phone to your chest with the screen facing towards you, you will clear a click sound, that means the video has started recording. As soon as you move it away from your body the video will stop recording.
Andrew Yates
@ourielohayon Sounds like another version is coming next week, hopefully with onboarding :)
Hunter Hammonds
@kicksopenminds @benrbn You get one Taylor? I can send you one.
Taylor Edmiston
@hunterhammonds @benrbn I didn't. Can you Twitter DM me? Thank you!
Neeraj Baid
@hunterhammonds could you hit me with a code? this app looks dope. thank you!
Vlad Ciurca
@hunterhammonds hi Hunter. Do you have an extra invite by any chance? My twitter username is vladciurca. Thank you
Fletcher Richman
Any spare invites floating around from people who have gotten invited above? My username is fletcher! Will repost invites here if i get one :)
adam mashaal
Been a huge fan of Casey's for a while. Excited to give this a whirl. Anyone have an unlock code I can use? Much appreciated.
Eric Willis
@adammash Here you go: Your beme unlock code is 7MPNO-SUD4P-Q864H-MAXF8. This code works only once. Tap here to get in
Daniel Kempe
Help yourself to an unlock code - Your beme unlock code is OBSDD-8JDV4-YSBNX-P64D4. This code works only once. Tap here to get in
Jacob Catalano
If you watched his Vlog, I think everyone sharing unlock codes like this is not what he intended for lol
Sarah Buhr
What if the food you want doesn't have a corresponding emoji? Like hot dogs. What is up with no hot dog emoji?
@sarahbuhr whoops, I feel like this was supposed to go here: ?
Jarod Stewart
Sad no android version at launch. This isn't 2012 anymore, we expect both versions released near the same time. <3
I'm so looking forward to trying this. @caseyneistat is so good at video, so I'm very excited to see what he and the beme team have done. Hope I can get an invite code soon!!
Jeff Soo
The proximity sensor as a trigger to record is very interesting. When you watch the video, you can tell Casey, @mhkt and team have thought about the reason for doing so, and not implementing it for shiggles because it's a novel and unique idea. Will be very interested to see if this interaction pattern takes off. Also FWIW, it took Snapchat 4 years to remove tap-and-hold-to-view and change it to tap-to-view. Maybe phone-to-chest/wall/surface will be the next big thing to add a new perspective on video. The team looks well assembled and very driven! Going to beme and explore! Follow along: jeffsoo
Christopher Leach
Been a huge fan of Casey for a while now, after using the app for a while it has really grown on me. At first I didn't know what to think of it, over time I've come to enjoy browsing the people I follow. It's like snapchat stories but much more raw and in the moment, which is good because you can only view them once then move on to the next one. I like this about Beme, it makes it interesting the view the things people Beme. If your looking to add me my username is leachy. Edit: Also I've got unlock codes if anyone needs some.
Nichlas W. Andersen
Love this idea! Would love to test it out, anyone got an invite to spear? DM:
Maddie Simens
I'm a huge fan of Casey/his films and have been really excited for this unveiling. The interaction of pressing the phone flat to your chest to record is innovative, but also a pretty major flaw if you're a woman aka your chest isn't flat. The whole gesture feels awkward as opposed to effortless. Hard to believe the creators didn't consider this, curious if they've addressed it anywhere?
Maddie Simens
@allany888 Yep, agree with Casey here. I can make it work, but it's a lot more annoying and the whole value prop of "sharing without having to think" is definitely knocked down a notch.
Bryce Daniel
@alexmr Wouldn't happen to have anymore would you?