Leonel More

BetaPage 2.0 - Community of Hackers and Makers


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Daniel Peris
Hey! I found a bug: when I sign up and try to submit startup or product I'm being redirected to privacy settings... Kind regards.
Jiten Bansal
@danielperis Thanks for spotting a bug. Let me check and fix it.
Daniel Peris
@jiten_bansal I found another bug related to social accounts > Linkedin. Linkedin's base URL is "https://www.linkedin.com/in/USER" but your system works with "https://linkedin.com/USER" that always returns 404 error. Cheers,
Now that you have opened up to all and not just Beta sites, and that your new design has a striking resemblance to Product Hunt, what now sets you apart from Product Hunt?
Varsha Agrawal
@balickichris BetaPage is in a transition period now; It is still away from what we want to deliver, although the development was done as per the demands of its contributors and we are still developing. But in the current version also we are different from PH as anyone can feature any product here.There is no need of special invitation or special rights.Any product can get trending here if the community likes it and moderator status is decided by Karma only. BetaPage may look like PH in its transition period but once we deliver our final product, it would be entirely new in its concept and approach.
Alex Barrett
Hey, Congrats on the refresh and the strong showing here! We had a great experience when we posted our beta signup for Likemoji a few months back. Just curious though, we had over 100 up-votes the first day and I believe continued to get well over 200 eventually. I noticed our profile now indicates 41. I'm pretty sure we had to buy our friends a ton of drinks for those and we want 'em back. ;) I do believe that perhaps the way you differentiate from PH is to focus on a continual feedback loop for iterations throughout the "beta" cycle. Good luck with the platform, interested to see how it evolves! Cheers!
Varsha Agrawal
@alexbarrett After the launch of the new version, many startups would feel a difference in the upvote counts because we cleaned our database before launching the new version, there were many suspicious accounts on BetaPage which we think were fake and were created with the sole purpose of upvote, so we suspended them until they come back and update their profile correctly. That is the main reason for the difference of upvote counts. In BetaPage 1.0 we were not focusing on the quality of the accounts but in the new version we are keeping check and control on the fake accounts, and as I mentioned earlier that we are still in the development phase, we are going to unfold many new features in the coming months. I don't want to disclose it yet but it is surely going to surprise our users in near future. I would love to receive feedback and features suggestions from hunters. https://betapage.typeform.com/to...
Alex Barrett
@_v_a_r_s_h_a_ Interesting. I was curious how the process worked because it seemed at the time that Facebook likes seemed to equate to up-votes. I couldn't confirm it though. Thanks for the explanation!
Varsha Agrawal
@alexbarrett In BetaPage 1.0, we made an algorithm in which Facebook sharing (not Facebook likes) played a minor role in the count of upvotes (not equivalent to user upvotes), but we have removed it in the new algorithm because it was making upvote tracking difficult for us. In BetaPage 1.0 users used to keep their upvotes private and they can still keep this setting, but now we are encouraging users to keep their upvotes public,
Minh LC
Found interesting startup
Leonel More
Today a major redesign of BetaPage is alive: "...the launch of BetaPage 2.0 with new features suggested by you through the feedback taken by the BetaPage team three months ago." Here is the medium post for the launch by @_v_a_r_s_h_a_ : https://blog.betapage.co/all-new... Congrats to the team!
Varsha Agrawal
@leonelmore Thanks Leonel, Today is a big day for us as we launched BetaPage 2.0 today and simultaneously got featured on Producthunt.
Found a cache bug which was promptly fixed by the BetaPage team. Thanks!
Ahmed Almadhoun
there is bug when i followed some one it's doesn't show in my following profile , please fix this !!!
Avinaba Mitra

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Arvind Chouhan
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Arvind Chouhan

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